RG101: Revolver Grasp, or How to Hold a Revolver

It’s been said plenty of times before, but there are a lot of pretty experienced shooters out there that don’t know how to shoot a revolver. This number seems to grow every year, as more and more people pick up the shooting sports and fewer and fewer pick up wheelgunning. In fact, a friend (who … Continue reading “RG101: Revolver Grasp, or How to Hold a Revolver”

A Gen-X’ers Review of The DeSantis Speed Scabbard

Ok, guys, I have a confession. I’m one of those shifty, self-centered, good-for-nothing Gen-X’ers. It’s true. In addition to the other flaws inherent in this condition, I am also one of those guys that doesn’t really know leather. Sure I like the smell of it, but beyond that I’m pretty much lost. Take a look … Continue reading “A Gen-X’ers Review of The DeSantis Speed Scabbard”

Ammunition for Small .357 Magnum Revolvers

There are two sides of the debate over shooting and carrying .357 Magnum ammunition in a small revolver. Both sides seem to be a bit dogmatic in their position, and I’ve been confronted with this a couple of times recently. I carry a J-Frame revolver as my primary defensive arm, and I carry it loaded … Continue reading “Ammunition for Small .357 Magnum Revolvers”

Welcome to RevolverGuy.com

Welcome to RevolverGuy.com! I got the inspiration for this blog when I decided to trim down my firearms battery and get back to basics. This was partially for financial reasons, partially for practicality’s sake, and partly because…well, I’ve always had a soft spot for wheel guns. So, I got rid of my slab-sided 1911s, soulless … Continue reading “Welcome to RevolverGuy.com”