My team of instructors and I just completed teaching at the 2024 Pat Roger’s Memorial Revolver Round Up (“PRMRR”), at the world famous Gunsite Academy in Paulden, Arizona. On the long drive home, we solved lots of the world’s problems. One topic of discussion was things our students could do that would enhance their training experience. What follows are a compilation of thoughts that we developed from teaching numerous classes over the years. Continue reading “Getting More out of your Revolver Class”
Author: Bruce Cartwright
I am a recovering attorney. I spent twenty-plus years as an FBI Special Agent. I am a knuckledragger. I had a bunch of what was called “collateral duties”. I have a sense of humor (it didn’t help my career.). I carried a revolver on the “Job”. I have been shooting since I was five and am what some folks call a “Gun Guy”. Revolvers are a particular passion of mine. One of my regrets was not being able to retire with a S&W Registered Magnum revolver that I had been issued during my career. The 1928 Thompson Submachine gun is another story….
When I retired, I founded my training company, SAC Tactical. We are based in western Montana. I have two staff instructors who assist in my teaching duties. We teach handgun/carbine/shotgun/submachinegun/rifle and force on force instruction to vetted students. We also teach at the Annual Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Roundup at Gunsite Academy in Arizona. If you want more information about my background or to register for classes, please visit the SAC Tactical website: Thank you for your interest in SAC Tactical.