I’m excited to announce that our friends at American Fighting Revolver have released the first episode of their new Fighting Guns Podcast!
2025 SHOT Show Roundup
Another SHOT Show is in the books, and it was a good one for RevolverGuys! Continue reading “2025 SHOT Show Roundup”
Lipsey’s – Smith & Wesson 432UC Field Test
The Lipsey’s S&W UC J frames introduced last year have raised quite a ruckus in the industry, and rightfully so. Mike wrote an excellent three-part series on the evolution of these guns from concept to production. This installment will be focused on the end user application of the .32 H&R version. Continue reading “Lipsey’s – Smith & Wesson 432UC Field Test”
A Defense of the Revolver
We’re all fans of the revolver here (the RevolverGuy title kinda gives it away), so we haven’t found it necessary to spend much time discussing why we like them. All of our regular readers already “get it,” and there’s no sense preaching to the choir.
However, a recent experience left me feeling like a defense of the revolver might be overdue. Continue reading “A Defense of the Revolver”
A 2024 Christmas Story
Christmas 1990, in Reno, Nevada.
It would be my first Christmas Eve rolling my own patrol ride as a Police Officer, working a swing shift from 1500 hours to 0100 hours. Continue reading “A 2024 Christmas Story”
A 2024 RevolverGuy Christmas Wish List
The RevolverGuy Christmas Wish List has become a tradition of sorts around here, so I figured we’d better keep the ball rolling, especially since you guys gave me a hard time when I tried to skip doing it last year! We’ve actually had quite a few wishes granted by Santa and our pals in the industry in years past, so let’s see if we can talk them into a few more this year, eh? Continue reading “A 2024 RevolverGuy Christmas Wish List”
2024 RevolverGuy Holiday Gift Ideas
With the holidays around the corner, RevolverGuys everywhere are busy building wish lists and buying gifts for loved ones. So, it’s a good time for me to share some thoughts about some great products that I’ve been playing with throughout the year, but haven’t featured yet, in our pages. Continue reading “2024 RevolverGuy Holiday Gift Ideas”
The Day that Two Men, Who Traveled Life’s Road on Both Sides of Good and Bad, Collided with Fatal Results
As folks travel down the road of life, it is an interesting journey with many experiences and emotions. It also has many issues in the journey that force us to choose between right and wrong. No one can claim a 100% journey on the side of good. There is only one man who lived a perfect life.
In the early days of law enforcement in this country there were many examples of individuals who had both worn a badge and committed crimes. Our two principal fellows in this story illustrate the old saying that sometimes it takes one, to catch one. Continue reading “The Day that Two Men, Who Traveled Life’s Road on Both Sides of Good and Bad, Collided with Fatal Results”
Colt Python Experience Debrief
I was fortunate to spend the First and Second of October with a great bunch of RevolverGuys (and Gals!) at Range Ready Studios in Robert, Louisiana. We were all there to take part in the “Colt Python Experience,” a combination release party and training event, and I’d like to tell you more about it. Continue reading “Colt Python Experience Debrief”
2024 Defensive Revolver Class Debrief
I taught the 2024 LMS Defense Defensive Revolver course on the 26th of October in Northern California, and thought I’d share a few observations for the RevolverGuy crowd. Continue reading “2024 Defensive Revolver Class Debrief”