2024 RevolverGuy Holiday Gift Ideas

With the holidays around the corner, RevolverGuys everywhere are busy building wish lists and buying gifts for loved ones. So, it’s a good time for me to share some thoughts about some great products that I’ve been playing with throughout the year, but haven’t featured yet, in our pages. Continue reading “2024 RevolverGuy Holiday Gift Ideas”

The Day that Two Men, Who Traveled Life’s Road on Both Sides of Good and Bad, Collided with Fatal Results

As folks travel down the road of life, it is an interesting journey with many experiences and emotions.  It also has many issues in the journey that force us to choose between right and wrong.  No one can claim a 100% journey on the side of good.  There is only one man who lived a perfect life.

In the early days of law enforcement in this country there were many examples of individuals who had both worn a badge and committed crimes.  Our two principal fellows in this story illustrate the old saying that sometimes it takes one, to catch one. Continue reading “The Day that Two Men, Who Traveled Life’s Road on Both Sides of Good and Bad, Collided with Fatal Results”

Colt Python Experience Debrief

I was fortunate to spend the First and Second of October with a great bunch of RevolverGuys (and Gals!) at Range Ready Studios in Robert, Louisiana. We were all there to take part in the “Colt Python Experience,” a combination release party and training event, and I’d like to tell you more about it. Continue reading “Colt Python Experience Debrief”

Living with Snakes (But not the Venomous Ones)

The first night my wife and I stayed at our log cabin it was raining.  We had closed on our retirement home in West Tennessee and were excited for our inaugural stay after our purchase.  Just as I was about to drift off into a peaceful sleep, I realized I’d left something outside.

[Editor’s Note: This story contains images of snakes and stories of snake encounters. If snakes make you sssssskittish, we’d suggest skipping this story! The rest of you will enjoy this excellent tale from Steve, and its important lessons.]

Continue reading “Living with Snakes (But not the Venomous Ones)”

Taurus 856 Upgrades

RevolverGuy readers will recall that I had a favorable opinion of the Taurus Model 856 Executive Grade revolver when I reviewed it back in October of last year, but felt the gun could stand some upgrades in critical areas like the grips, sights, and trigger. The gun had good bones, but needed a little bit of help to reach its full potential. Continue reading “Taurus 856 Upgrades”