Ok, ok – they aren’t revolvers but 1911s are still pretty cool. A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to meet Aaron from the In the Rabbit Hole Urban Survival Podcast. I was in his neck of the woods so we met up and the talk turned to firearms. As it happens, Aaron has never owned a 1911, and I have owned a bunch and carried them in combat, so…we decided to record an episode. If you want to hear me ramble on about old guns (that aren’t revolvers) check it out HERE!
ITRH Podcast Interview on 1911s

My 1911s have rounded slides on top. Does that make them “round guns?”
; ^ )
Great stuff, Justin. Entertaining and educational, even if it’s not about revolvers. I’m sure all of us have at least one auto in our lives . . . or will someday!
Aye, that was a great segment, Justin. It was actually through ITRH that I discovered you and your blog a few months ago… the January 2017 (E202) episode where you were talking about revolvers for serious self-defense (highly recommended, for anyone here who hasn’t listened to it). Aaron provides a nice platform for augmenting what you do here.
I’m biased… I admit it. I think the 1911 is the one autopistol that fits seamlessly in the revolver world. Neither will ever be the first choice of the masses. Or recommended in scenarios where long, unattended exposure to the environment threaten to compromise their rather more nuanced reliability. The various flavors of combat tupperware have all that nicely locked up.
But in the belly of the beast the last kind of man I’d like to go up against is one wielding either a wheelgun or a 1911. Not so much because of the platform itself. But because of what his choice tells me about him.
Many thanks! I imagine you’re one of those kind of men, judging from that DW Valor of yours!
Jeez, Jeff. That’s a helluva piece of writing! You took me back to the 80s with that one.
Our journeys took different paths back then, but there were some intersections where we crossed, for sure. I enjoyed reading about your path, and the pictures are downright gorgeous.
I’d like to say a special thanks to you for getting the nickname of that 200 grain Speer JHP correct. I’ve seen that butchered way too many times in print, and it never fails to grate on my nerves! Bravo, Sir.
Justin, thanks for pointing out that great piece of work!
Thanks for the kind words, Mike. Much appreciated!
I was delighted to find Justin’s blog a few months ago… it’s something of an irony that the internet eviscerates substance and depth and even as it offers such easy access to everything. It was nice to find a place that is an exception.
Weaponcraft is a such a serious business. And yet the men who truly understand it, who are able to shine a thoughtful bit of reflection on such a sober subject… well, there just ain’t many of ’em. And of those who do, fewer still are able to command it, to articulate that wisdom to others.
I imagine a table in the corner of an old bar, somewhere distant and lonely, late of a dying day. A handful of good men drinking old whiskey, quietly enjoying each other’s company. Men with names like Bill Jordan and Skeeter Skelton and Elmer Keith and Jeff Cooper.
You and Justin would fit right in.
And Justin… thanks for linking to that little post of mine.
Well Jeff, that’s very high praise indeed. Thank you for that. I think I can speak for the two of us in saying that we’re truly humbled. I know I wouldn’t put myself in that orbit of stars, but it’s nice to catch a little reflected light off of them once in a while.
Here’s a promise: If y’all keep reading, we’ll keep writing.
Cheers, my friend!