Getting More out of your Revolver Class

My team of instructors and I just completed teaching at the 2024 Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round Up (“PRMRR”), at the world famous Gunsite Academy in Paulden, Arizona.  On the long drive home, we solved lots of the world’s problems.  One topic of discussion was things our students could do that would enhance their training experience.  What follows are a compilation of thoughts that we developed from teaching numerous classes over the years. Continue reading “Getting More out of your Revolver Class”

2024 Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Roundup Debrief

The Revolver Faithful convened again at Gunsite Academy in Paulden, Arizona, the weekend before Thanksgiving 2024, for the Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Roundup. I was fortunate to be there again for this outstanding training and social experience, and would love to take you on a quick tour of how the “Roundup” unfolded from this man’s point of view. Continue reading “2024 Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Roundup Debrief”

A Defense of the Revolver

We’re all fans of the revolver here (the RevolverGuy title kinda gives it away), so we haven’t found it necessary to spend much time discussing why we like them. All of our regular readers already “get it,” and there’s no sense preaching to the choir.

However, a recent experience left me feeling like a defense of the revolver might be overdue. Continue reading “A Defense of the Revolver”

Colt Python Experience Debrief

I was fortunate to spend the First and Second of October with a great bunch of RevolverGuys (and Gals!) at Range Ready Studios in Robert, Louisiana. We were all there to take part in the “Colt Python Experience,” a combination release party and training event, and I’d like to tell you more about it. Continue reading “Colt Python Experience Debrief”

Book Review: Deadly Force, 2nd Edition, by Massad Ayoob

One of the many reasons we own firearms is for self-defense. RevolverGuys might be interested in firearms as collector/investment items, historical items, or recreational tools, but I’m willing to bet that self-defense ranks near the top of the food chain, for most of us.  They allow us an effective means to defend ourselves, and the things that are important to us, from evil intent, so we make them an important part of our lives. Continue reading “Book Review: Deadly Force, 2nd Edition, by Massad Ayoob”

Zeta6 K-PAK-2 and SafeSnap

Longtime RevolverGuy readers will be familiar with the Zeta6 brand, based on our prior reviews of their revolver loaders (which can be found here, here, and here), but if you’re not familiar with the brand, you’ll definitely want to give their innovative designs a look, starting with these new products. Continue reading “Zeta6 K-PAK-2 and SafeSnap”