RevolverGuy Appearance on EveryDay Marksman Radio

I just wanted to take a quick moment to let you guys know about a recent podcast appearance, and let you know about an awesome new podcast. is a blog that takes deep dives into marksmanship, fitness, equipment, and (most importantly) skill development. I learned of Everyday Marksman through Greg’s Weekend Knowledge Dumps. This led me to meet Matt in person, do a bit of writing on his forum, and be interviewed on his new podcast. As I think I mention in the podcast, my favorite thing about Everyday Marksman is the emphasis on doing (building skill) versus having (buying gear). This article sums it up really well.

The topic of this show was revolvers. If you guys have heard me discuss revolvers on podcasts before, you’ve probably heard most of it before. We did cover a few things I don’t think I’ve discussed on-air, and at the very end Matt totally stumped me with one of the best questions I’ve ever been asked.

The show is about an hour long and you can subscribe in your podcast app or listen to it here. Even if you have no interest in listening to me ramble, check out some of the other episodes, and keep your eye on Everyday Marksman Radio – Matt has some great episodes out and some great stuff on the horizon!

Author: Justin

Justin Carroll is a former MARSOC Marine and veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan. Leaving service after eight years in the U.S. Marines, Justin continues his involvement with a variety of government agencies to this day. Justin began in late 2016 with an simple idea: provide an source of high-quality information for revolver enthusiasts.

5 thoughts on “RevolverGuy Appearance on EveryDay Marksman Radio”

  1. I was REALLY impressed with this interview (and with the article you linked to, about training versus equipment, which was super)!

    You did an excellent job as the guest, and really delivered some great info. The host deserves great credit too, for his skill at guiding the conversation into interesting areas, and for the overall production quality, which was superb. I really enjoyed how he did an executive summary at the end, pulling out notable quotes from the conversation to illustrate—I hadn’t heard that before on other podcasts, but was immediately impressed with the format.

    “Well, how else are they gonna know that you know what you’re doing, if you don’t do that?” INSTANT CLASSIC QUOTE! I laughed so hard, the dog woke up in puzzlement!

    Great job, gents.

    1. Thanks, Mike! Much appreciated, and that was a really fun interview. Matt asked some really good questions and I agree – he did a great job with production and I enjoy his exsums.

    1. Hey Justin, it was a pleasure having you on! I look forward to doing it again some time covering the security stuff you mentioned. I also really appreciate the feedback as well, and I’m glad that the summaries at the end with clips are well-received!

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