In Memoriam: GySgt Terry W. Ball, Jr, USMC

Occasionally we meet someone that has an impact on our lives that is outsized relative to their time spent in it.  Today, on Memorial Day I am writing to honor the memory of one such man. His name: Gunnery Sergeant Terry W. Ball, Jr.

I didn’t know Gunnery Sergeant Ball all that well or for very long. He changed my life, though. As a young sergeant stationed in Okinawa, I was sent to Sergeant’s Course. The first person I encountered while checking into the class was GySgt Ball, and it wasn’t a positive encounter. I was even somewhat disappointed when I learned that he was the chief instructor for the three-month long class.

Before I attended Sergeant’s Course I was certain that I was parting ways with the military. Combat and the war had passed me by, I thought, and I was disgusted with the whole thing. But the personal example of GySgt Ball changed that. I reenlisted largely because of the leadership I saw in him. GySgt Ball was the kind of man and Marine I wanted to become. He was a warrior, a man among men, and a leader in the truest sense. GySgt Ball took it personally that PFCs and Lance Corporals were being killed and wounded and he hadn’t been given the opportunity to be there beside them.

I transferred to 2nd Force Reconnaissance Company just weeks after I graduated Sergeant’s Course. By all rights I should have never seen GySgt Ball again. But one Sunday in July, 2004 I was in Cash Sales (the store on every Marine base that sells uniform items) on Camp Lejeune. I just happened to bump into GySgt Ball. We chatted for a few minutes. I was excited because I was just a few weeks away from deploying to Iraq. He was ecstatic to be back with his old unit, 3rd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, and would be headed to Iraq in a few months. We shook hands and parted ways.

I had no idea that I’d never see him again. If I’d had any inkling, I’d have shaken the man’s hand, thanked him, and told him everything he’d done for me. Such are the vagaries of life and death, and I remain thankful for that last meeting; Terry was injured by an IED on June 12, 2005.  I won’t recount what happened, but GySgt Ball was doing what he loved: leading Marines in combat. He survived almost two more months, finally passing away on August 5, 2005.

Memorial Day is intended to honor our veterans who have paid the ultimate sacrifice. I’ve lost a lot of friends along the way. Some were much closer to me than GySgt Ball. Even though I was an outsider in GySgt Ball’s life, he changed mine, and I don’t want that to be forgotten.

Author: Justin

Justin Carroll is a former MARSOC Marine and veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan. Leaving service after eight years in the U.S. Marines, Justin continues his involvement with a variety of government agencies to this day. Justin began in late 2016 with an simple idea: provide an source of high-quality information for revolver enthusiasts.

7 thoughts on “In Memoriam: GySgt Terry W. Ball, Jr, USMC”

  1. Gone, but not forgotten. Your post now allows his memory to live on in the hearts of people who never got the opportunity to meet this great man. Thank you.

    May God bless and protect all of our fallen comrades, and the families and friends they left behind. We are poorer for their loss, but the nation survives because of their sacrifice. It’s a debt we can only repay by remembering, and truly appreciating the gift they have given us.

    Thanks again for sharing GySgt Ball with us, Justin.

  2. Thank you, Justin, for reminding us of what today means.

    I do not know too many of my peers who reckon the price those in uniform pay for our mostly placid lives and mostly small problems.

  3. Justin,
    Thank you for sharing this with us and for doing us the honor of allowing RGs into this part of your story and his.

  4. Justin,

    Late to the game on this memorial post – Mike referred us to it in his post today. GySgt Ball obviously loved what he did and trained many more GySgts. I am glad that you were have to have him in your life for the brief time you did. His efforts obviously hit their mark with you.


  5. My brother, THANK YOU for the remembrance: this true warrior, magnificent Marine, and stellar leader was a drill instructor in my series (I went to PI a few years back), and the few recollections I have of Gunnery Sergeant Ball–who was a dynamic sergeant when I went through basic–are nothing short of vivid and invigorating! God Rest His Soul!!!

    1. That’s awesome, brother! Thanks for checking in – it’s great to hear from someone who knew this great man!

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