I’m excited to announce that our friends at American Fighting Revolver have released the first episode of their new Fighting Guns Podcast!
Tag: .44 Magnum
The Mountain Gun
The idea that led to Smith & Wesson’s Mountain Gun started as a conversation between two world class shooters. The conversation took place back in the 1980’s, when these shooters were known for their prowess with semiautomatics in action pistol competition.
Tommy Campbell and Ross Seyfried discussed their thoughts on the perfect revolver. They took what they considered to be the best features of guns from the past and combined them with the advancements of that day. It’s gratifying to know that they were RevolverGuys at heart… Continue reading “The Mountain Gun”
Celebrating The 3” S&W 629 Deluxe
I grew up in the 1980s and it very much shaped who I am today. America’s crime tolerance pendulum was swinging very hard against thugism on the silver screen. Charles Bronson and Chuck Norris were cleaning up the streets and the world; respectively. Clint Eastwood governed a real-life police department. Several times a week, good guys and gals kept television safe for prime time with Smith & Wesson wheelguns. Continue reading “Celebrating The 3” S&W 629 Deluxe”
S&W Model 29 Classic DX: It’s all in the “DX”
Back in 1985 Classic Coke was a confusing fiasco when it replaced New Coke, which had replaced Coca-Cola. The term “Classic” is supposed to refer to something that is timeless, with an air of tradition, perhaps even a masterpiece. Smith & Wesson’s Classic revolvers are even more bewildering since S&W has used the term at least three times. Continue reading “S&W Model 29 Classic DX: It’s all in the “DX””