The Case For The Modern Defensive Revolver

In today’s world, the idea of anyone recommending or advocating the carriage of a revolver as a primary defensive handgun is usually met with scorn and ridicule by self-appointed firearms “experts.” Continue reading “The Case For The Modern Defensive Revolver”

Review: The .38 Special Ruger LCR

We took a good look under the hood of the Ruger LCR a while back and also did a field report on the LCR in 9mm. Since that time, I’ve been doing some additional shooting with the .38 Special version of the LCR, and I’m nearing the 350 round mark.  As such, I thought it was time for me to share some of my latest observations on this innovative snubby. Continue reading “Review: The .38 Special Ruger LCR”

Is The Snubby “Enough Gun?”

A series of conversations and events has left me thinking a lot about snubby revolvers as primary carry guns, lately. If you subscribed to the “conventional wisdom” of the gun culture, the lowly snubby wouldn’t be enough for daily carry. Its low capacity, slow reloading characteristics, and perceived lack of power make it an unsuitable choice. Plus, everyone knows that snubbies are “phone booth guns,” and useless beyond arms length, eh? Continue reading “Is The Snubby “Enough Gun?””

Ruger 9mm LCR Field Report

I was late to the LCR party. As I mentioned in my previous article, the gun’s radical looks were a turnoff to my conservative tastes, and I didn’t get excited about it until I started getting some trigger time on them. Then, the performance caught my immediate attention, and I realized I’d been missing out on a helluva gun. Continue reading “Ruger 9mm LCR Field Report”