I often carry a Smith & Wesson Model 67 .38 Special; it’s a stainless K-Frame with a 4” tapered barrel. Most people wouldn’t choose it as a concealed carry gun. I wouldn’t have either when I was younger, but it makes more sense today. S&W made mine in 1974, along with thousands just like it. Now, mine is special. It has a perfect action and gorgeous custom stocks- Worley Grips. Continue reading “Dwayne Worley Grips”
Author: Kevin McPherson
Kevin McPherson began his career as a police officer in New Mexico in 1987. He served for 23 ½ years, the last 19 ½ with the New Mexico State Police. There he worked in the uniform bureau and narcotics enforcement section and did two tours in the NMSP Training Bureau, retiring as a Sergeant in 2011. Kevin ran the firearms program and was the chief armorer for NMSP for 13 years. He served as a member of the NMSP Tactical Team (SWAT) for 10 years, eventually becoming the counter sniper team leader. He was commander of the NMSP Pistol Team and competed with a revolver throughout his career. He is a master firearms instructor through NMDPS and continues to instruct in retirement. He has had several articles published in American Cop Magazine, SWAT Magazine, and the American Rifleman, among others. He started his career carrying a revolver and has always been partial to them.