The 1986 FBI Miami Gunfight

On April 11, 1986, agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s C-1 Miami Bank Robbery Squad were moving into position after finishing their stakeout briefing, when a pair of agents spotted a vehicle that matched the description of the one they were looking for. Continue reading “The 1986 FBI Miami Gunfight”

Field Report: S&W Model 610-3

The S&W 610 holds a special place in my heart. A version of the 610 was one of the revolvers I owned very early in my shooting life. Unfortunately it was one of those guns that lasted only briefly in my collection. To be honest I probably purchased it before its time; that is, before ammunition manufacturers were adequately supporting the 10mm Auto. Continue reading “Field Report: S&W Model 610-3”

More 10mm! The Ruger 10mm SR1911

When writing my field report on the 10mm GP100, I was ridiculously curious about the ballistics of the 10mm cartridge from a revolver. Lacking a suitably-chambered auto-loader with which to compare velocities, I reached out to Ruger and asked for a 10mm SR1911. They obliged, and within the week I had slab-side in BestMM sitting beside the GP100. I used it to do side-by-side velocity comparisons with the GP100, and I decided to review it on its own merits. Continue reading “More 10mm! The Ruger 10mm SR1911”

Ruger 10mm GP100, Part II: Field Report

The 10mm Auto is one of those cartridges with the capacity to capture the imagination like few others. Daydreams of charging feral pigs, scarcely trod trails, and pine-perfumed air are nearly inescapable when handling a 10mm. I fell under this spell years ago, and managed to break free for awhile…until the 10mm GP100 came along. The Centimeter GP was a pleasant surprise; I had given up hope of owning a duty-sized wheelgun in BESTmm. Handling and shooting this versatile revolver stokes a handgunner’s imagination like few other revolvers and suffice to say, I am a fan. This field report will explain why. Continue reading “Ruger 10mm GP100, Part II: Field Report”

Centimeter Revolver: Ruger 10mm GP100 Part I

Despite my recent daily-carry conversion, I love revolvers. I also think revolvers chambered for rimless pistol cartridges are downright neat. And, it just so happens, I am a long-time fan of the 10mm Auto. So it was no surprise that I almost jumped out of my seat when I opened an email from Mike containing a press release from Ruger. The Ruger 10mm GP100 Match Champion had just been released! Barely ninety seconds passed before I emailed my contact at Ruger…

Continue reading “Centimeter Revolver: Ruger 10mm GP100 Part I”