It’s that time of year again, when thoughts turn towards St. Nicholas and his sleigh full of presents for good boys and girls of all ages. We didn’t keep close track of who was naughty and who was nice this year, so you’re all on the honor system again, OK? I know you’ve all been pretty good . . .
Guns and Gear of Christmas Past
The Christmas Wish List was a hit last year, so I thought I’d repeat the effort for 2022.
Looking back on that list, I’m happy to see that two of the wishes were actually granted—a Python with a three-inch barrel, and a replica SL Variant speedloader. I didn’t get to see the shortened Python at SHOT Show earlier this year, because Colt was absent, but I should get some time on it next month, at the show. I did manage to purchase some of the replica SL Variant loaders, but (shamefully) they haven’t seen much use yet. I’ll try to remedy that in the coming year and will be sure to report on them here in these pages.

There’s still a lot of unfulfilled wishes on that list, though, and I’m hoping that we’ll see a few more of them checked off in 2023, because they’re still lighting fires in my RevolverGuy soul. I’ll mention a few of the biggies again this year, just to remind the industry that we haven’t forgotten about them.
So, with that, let’s get on with the show!
Colt Python Rear Sight
Since we mentioned the Python earlier, that’s probably a good place to start. I’ve been shooting the 4.25” version a bit this year, and while there’s a whole lot to enjoy about Colt’s 2020 reincarnation of this classic, one of the areas that needs some improvement is the rear sight.
The 2020 Python’s rear blade has a very shallow notch, which creates a small viewing window for the front sight. It could really benefit from a taller blade with a deeper notch, and I wouldn’t argue with widening it either, to get a little more light on either side of the blade, because my eyes might twinkle like Santa’s from time to time, but they don’t see as well as his.
The adjustments on the blade are pretty crude as well, for a premium, target-grade gun. A set screw holds the blade in place, and once it’s removed, you simply push the blade over to the desired position (using a set of dots in the sight base and a single dot on the blade as crude references) and lock it back down with the screw. Yuck.
The Harrison Snake Sights are a big step in the right direction, offering an improved window with more depth and light, but are still handicapped by a rather crude adjustment system. Colt was proud to announce they had reduced the number of parts in the 2020 Python, versus the originals, and several of these cuts came from the rear sight assembly, but that was a false economy, I think. This fine gun definitely deserves a click-adjustable rear sight, and I’d challenge the aftermarket to pick up the slack and give us one, please (BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: Shortly before press time, we received a press release from Wilson Combat, describing their new, click-adjustable sights for the 2020 Python! Maybe Christmas came early this year? We’ll definitely be looking for these at SHOT Show, in January).
A robust, fixed sight option (paging Dave Lauck, Dave Lauck, please pick up the courtesy phone) would be nice too, for those who want to turn their Pythons into fighting guns. We’ve got plenty of room under the tree for that!
Sights Redux
Since we’re talking about sights, I’ll enter a renewed plea for the industry to spend a little more time and effort on these, across the board. Snubs like the J-Frames, LCRs and New Cobra need a better rear sight than just a trough milled into the top strap, and it wouldn’t be tough to do it without sacrificing ruggedness.

We could also benefit from having better sight regulation, since a lot of the sights on the market (and particularly on the snubs) throw the bullet to the wrong elevation, like a nearsighted elf in a snowball fight.
Ammo, please!
There are signs that the ammunition shortage is starting to improve a bit—I’m actually seeing some products sit on the shelf for more than a microsecond, and prices are starting to correct ever-so-slightly downward—but we’re still in pretty bad shape, overall.

The industry has been so focused on the meat-and-potatoes calibers like 9mm and .223, that everything else has been ignored, by comparison. I understand there’s a lot of niches to fill in this industry, and manufacturers are doing everything they can to spread the love around, but it’s getting really lonely out here in RevolverLand! I’ve seen an infrequent dribble of .38 Special ball here and there, but we could use a lot more of that, and some wadcutter and JHP options in the caliber, too. Our .32, .357, .41, .44 and .45 caliber brethren are looking downright thin these days, like Frosty did when the sun came out. They’d sure appreciate a hearty Christmas feast of “beans for the wheel!”
Little Maggie
Justin has a strong hankering for a double action .22 Magnum with a stainless frame, a four-inch barrel, and a good pair of adjustable sights. Smith gets close with a six-inch Model 648 and a blued, four-inch Model 48, but not quite.

Ruger has some .22 LR SP101s and GP100s, but none for the littlest Magnum. Taurus’ 942 is chambered in .22 WMR, but tops out at three inches. Maybe Santa’s elves could do a solid for a bearded brother and add this to their To Do List?
My Little Pony
While they’re at it, maybe they could talk Colt into building a rimfire revolver. We asked for one last year, but they’ve been busy with the Czech immersion classes, I think. A .22 caliber built on the King Cobra Target layout would be super neat—a modern day Diamondback! That would get our eyes twinkling like the lights on our tree!

(BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: Well, sonofagun, distributor CDNN Sports just listed one for auction a week prior to press time! The Colt’s website hasn’t been updated to include it, yet, but that should hopefully follow soon. I’m hoping to see this one at SHOT Show, in January!)

A Six, For Sure
While we’re revisiting last year’s list, may I remind Ruger that we’re still hoping for a 6-shot SP101, and the return of a medium-frame, Six-series? Offering a DA revolver catalog without a true medium frame is like trying to build a snowman with only two snowballs, after all.

A Case For A Case
Here’s a simple one that the elves in the saddlery oughta be able to knock out quick, on a lunch break. I’d love to see a “split-six”-style speedloader case in the original Safariland fashion, with open sides that allow you to grip the body of an HKS-style loader with your thumb and finger. My Don Hume and DeSantis pouches, like the tough Simply Rugged pouch, both have reinforcing straps on the sides that provide structural stability to the pouch, but prevent you from gripping the loader on the sides, so you’re forced to pull it out of the pouch by the loading knob.

A pouch built with open sides might be a little drafty, like the North Pole’s reindeer stable, but it would be just the ticket for a cleaner, more positive draw. An option for a Safariland Comp-compatible pouch would be neat too, but would probably need the pinched “shelf” for the loader to rest on, away from the top edge of the belt, to avoid an unintended discharge of the loader.
Belly Roll
I’ve been trying to convince a few makers to build an AIWB holster for revolvers that has an integrated speedloader pouch on the leading edge (like some of these so-called, “sidecar” holsters for the autos) but have been unsuccessful, so far.

Our friends at DeSantis took the idea and turned it into the neat FLETC 2.0 holster for OWB use, but I’d sure like to see an appendix-inside-the-waistband version, as an AIWB kinda guy. The open space in front of an AIWB holster, around 1 O’Clock, is a perfect place for a speedloader, and I think an open-top case could retain the loader well enough if it was formed of kydex, or carefully constructed of leather. Santa’s belly might shake when he laughs, like a bowl full of jelly, but I just want mine to pack a J-frame and a reload discreetly.
Shoot For The Moon
I never got the chance to buy one of Smith & Wesson’s Model 625 revolvers in .45 ACP, and I’d sure like to see the gun make a comeback in their catalog. While they’re at it, they can work on a Model 58, a Model 547, a Model 12, a round butt Model 65 with a three-inch barrel, and a bunch of other lost classics that we’re missing. Build them without the lock as the “Freedom Series,” and you’ll hear more squeals of delight from RevolverGuys than the last dozen Christmas mornings, combined!

Face Time
The new Colt Cobra and King Cobra series guns have been a welcome addition to the marketplace, and we’re thrilled to have the Rampant Pony back in the game, but we find the trigger face on these guns to be a little too narrow, and the corners to be a little too square.
I think that may have been the root of my struggle with the otherwise excellent Night Cobra that I reviewed a while back. I guess some other folks must agree with Justin and I, because gunsmith Dave Fink made sure to round the corners on the special run of King Cobras that he gussied up for the Gunsite crowd.
We’d love to see Colt modify the trigger face to be a little broader and a little rounder, kinda like Santa’s growing belly. Whaddya say, guys?
Custom Stocks
We’re still hoping that a talented grip maker will take on the challenge of bringing back some of the designs that are no longer being made–or at least not commonly. The old Stark, Hurst, and Farrant designs (the “LAPD grip makers,” along with Hogue), for example, still seem to capture a lot of collector interest, and we’d like to see some modern replicas at reasonable prices.

With the passing of Deacon Deason and Ted Adamovich, I’m not sure if anyone is still making Skeeter-style grips any longer, but it would be neat to see those offered, too. Maybe I’m just not paying attention in the right places, but it seems there’s not much variety left in the market, and it would be slicker than Rudolph’s wet nose if we could order some of these older styles to outfit our favorite blasters.
Bruen Victories
Nope, we’re not talking about the polar bears that saunter around Santa’s zip code, we’re talking about the wonderful SCOTUS decision that reaffirmed the Second Amendment is not a second-class right. There are far too many state laws in effect that conflict with the Constitution, and it’s well-past time for them to disappear, courtesy of a Bruen-based review. Watching our precious liberties get restored as unconstitutional laws get scrapped would be like finding an extra candy in the toe of your Christmas stocking . . . times a million! It’s time for the Grinch to return all the things he stole from Whoville.
Life On The Big Screen
I’d love to see an outfit with an eye for historical detail do some movie documentaries about early 20th Century lawmen, some of whom helped to bridge the gap between the “Old West” and the new. Wouldn’t you like to see a movie that got the details right about a man like Texas Ranger Captain John R. Hughes? How about an accurate look at the lives and escapades of Depression-era lawmen like Frank Hamer, Jelly Bryce, and Walter Walsh?

We’re fortunate to have law enforcement historian and RevolverGuy Tony Perrin writing here, putting the human element into the revolver story, but it would sure be entertaining to see tales like these come alive on the screen, wouldn’t it? After all, we can only watch White Christmas so many times!
Featured image from:
Ralphie image from:
Some clever guy on Al Gore’s Internet. This one never gets old!
Oh, the ammo supply is frightful, but depleting it’s so delightful.
Speaking of which, my oldest and I were in the local Academy Sports, here in the mid-west, replenishing our .38 Special and .357 Magnum ammo after a range trip a couple of weeks ago. Before checking out, we hit the gun counter to see if they had my Christmas wish, a Heritage Barkeep (2.68″ barrel w/ gray pearl stocks) on hand. Sure enough, they had one. Checking it out, the lad says, “Why?” Me, “Why not, I’m going to get it as a present to myself.” Him, “Merry Christmas, ring it up!” What a swell kid.
Neat little budget fun gun; highly accessorizable (if that’s even a word).
Hope all everyone’s revolver wishes come true.
Hahaha! Bill, I LOVE the Christmas jingle! Enjoy your new Barkeep!
My Christmas wish list:
Firearms companies producing stuff with improved fit and finish, and actually testing products before they leave the factory–aka quality control.
No more janky “lawyer” locks à la Smith and Wesson. (By the way, the company would instantly drop that design if customers refused to buy those type of guns.)
For such a premium revolver like the Python, Colt should add a decent adjustable rear sight.
And speaking of Colt, why the bizarre-looking bent trigger guards on their otherwise nice-looking Cobra line of revolvers? Ugly.
Finally, I second the idea of Ruger resurrecting their old Security/Speed/Police-Six revolvers. If Colt can do it with their classic double-action revolvers, why can’t Ruger?
Just a few quick thoughts off the top of my head.
Darn it! In my haste to come up with a witty jungle, I completely forgot to mention that I gave my Police Service-Six (circa ’74-75) to my youngest son who just happens to be a cop. Thought it was fitting; fantastic firearm.
We’ll let you slide this time, Bill, because you kept it in the family. Great move!
That’s a wonderful list, Clay! I too, would appreciate it if Colt straightened out the guards. They kinda look like someone dropped the gun and bent something, don’t they? Improved Quality Control is a must, as well, and it shouldn’t take any Christmas magic to make it happen.
Charter Arms does offer the “Pathfinder Target” in .22 Magnum with a 4″ barrel, but I suspect that the sights on the new Colt will be better (they certainly look taller) even if not ideal.
Along with your grip requests, I would like to see some SP-101 grips that are not compact CCW grips. Especially for the 4″ SP-101, some more standard grips would be nice. Modifying the long, non finger groove Hogues for the LCR to fit an SP-101 is the best option at the moment, and that just shouldn’t be the case.
And an absolute resounding “YES!” to Bruen-inspired corrections to current injustices.
Greyson, that’s a neat, hidden tip, about modifying the LCR grips to fit the SP. I also appreciate the tip about the Charter Arms gun. Honestly, those things are like vaporware in my neck of the woods—I never see a Charter gun, so it’s easy to forget the brand even exists.
I love the wish list Mike! Especially the historically accurate movies of the lawmen of that era. I would like to add to the list if I may.. I recently selected a Smith and Wesson Carry Comp 19 to become an every day carry gun. I was mistaken when I thought it would fit in other K-frame leather already in my possession. I found a pancake from Speedbeez specifically made for the Carry Comp, but the 1/2in comp sticks out of the bottom. I would like to see leather in that style that covers the entire barrel. Galco and De Santis don’t advertise one. The Speedbeez holster wears great, I just wish it was slightly longer. Maybe I just need to go to a custom leather maker.
Mark, I’d HIGHLY recommend our friends at Simply Rugged Leather, if you fancy the pancake design (and it sounds like you do, based on your experience with the SpeedBeez holster). They can set you up with a quality rig that will fit your K-Comp perfectly. I can’t recommend them highly enough. Great folks, making great products!
How are you liking the 19 carry comp? I’m looking at getting the same. 3 inch or 2.5 inch barrel? Any feedback would be appreciated. I’m looking at the 3 in to be the one size up from a 360pd.
Well, if we’re wishing, and hoping ‘they’ check our list for good ideas, I’ll throw in $.02 worth. I’m a big fan of .44Spl for a defensive revawver. Got a 3″ Ruger GP100 that is as easy to hide as any of the .357 models; only deficit is it’s a 5-shooter. After all these years of recommending to students to not carry ‘only’ five shots in an EDC tool, I feel a bit hypocritical when I choose to carry this one. So, I’d really like to see Ruger ‘improve’ this model by coming out with a 6-shooter. Not sure how much help that one extra round would be in a real life situation, but I’d feel better with it.
In the FWIW column, I also have the same model with the 5″ barrel, to carry with HCSWC bullets on deer/pig hunts. I suppose, if I could find a concealment holster for that one, I could go all Two Gun Pete style, and have one on each side. Ten rounds of .44 might give peace of mind, but I’d need to avoid deep puddles…..and wear a lot bigger jacket. Ace
Great to hear from you, Ace! Lessee . . . Five times fourty-four is pretty darned close to six times thirty-eight, if I’m counting my toes right. I wouldn’t scoff at five rounds of the Biggest Special, or feel undergunned. It was actually a Christmas wish last year, for Ruger to bring back that .44 Spl GP100. It kinda boggles me that they discontinued it, because I understood it was selling very well. I’m wondering if Ruger could fit six rounds of .44 in that frame window, or if they would have to step up to the Redhawk frame?
The Ruger GP100 cylinder is actually about 0.02″ smaller than an L-Frame cylinder, so I really doubt you are getting six .44 holes in there. I still suspect it is strong enough to bump it up to five rounds of .44 Mag, though, and I think that would help sales even more.
That’s what I was thinking, would probably have to step up to the Redhawk frame for that.
Let’s see….a 5-shot, 5″ .44 Magnum, with Hi Vis sights, flat-black or tan finish, and cuts for scope rings (for those who like glass on a pistol)….lemme think…..Yep, let’s do it!
Smith & Wesson
Plug the hole!
Pro-Series Model 10, 13, 64, 65, lockless, round-butt, three-inch heavy barrels, pinned front sights, bobbed hammers, and tuned DAO lockwork.
Recreate a Pro-Series Model 12, lockless, round-butt, three-inch skinny barrel, pinned front sight, bobbed hammer, tuned DAO lockwork, AND rated for Plus P 38 Special. They can do a 612 in stainless in their spare time…
Reintroduce the 296. I promise to buy a 38 and a 44 this time.
Offer the Z-frame Governor with the frame and cylinder shortened to accept only clipped 45 ACP (or 44 Special or 45 Colt maybe); other features as specified above. This a roundabout way to get at what I really want, which is the N-frames produced with the K/L grip and trigger reach dimensions for those of us who struggle to reach the DA trigger while maintaining a proper firing grip.
Quite calling the M&P® BODYGUARD® 38 (and their M&P® BODYGUARD® 380) “Bodyguards.” The name is taken, by an elder, and better handgun!
Reintroduce the Speed Six 2-3/4 inch with bobbed hammer and tuned DAO lockwork.
While we’re wishcasting, how about a titanium SP101? Or even an aluminum framed model in 38 Special?
Armscor (?!!)
The factory needs to encourage the aftermarket community to offer a variety of affordable stocks and holsters made just for their solid little guns.
Michael, I like how you think! There will be an extra candy or two at the bottom of your stocking this year, for coming up with those ideas.
I’m glad I’m not the only one irked by the recycled names—Cobra, King Cobra, M&P . . . surely the Marketing guys could earn their pay and come up with some new material? Let’s have some respect for the classics.
“Plug the hole! Plug the hole! Plug . . .”
While we are on .45 S&W’s, I think they really needs an M frame: something between the L and the N would be a perfect platform for 5-shot .45’s and might be a slightly better vehicle for the 5 shot .44 Mag as well. I believe the M frame designation was used in the past for some really small guns, so maybe we can’t call it M frame (W frame, since that is just an upside-down M?), but something in that size makes sense to me (since I don’t have to keep track of all the extra parts need in producing a new frame size).
Mike thank you for another great Christmas Wish List. Seems like just a few days ago we reading the previous one.
As far as films featuring the lawmen and outlaws of the early
1900s they might not have enough profit margin for most of the Hollywood crowd.
There is a brave man that seems to be doing very well with his
Productions. He seems to not be concerned with what the film critics think or with being ignored by tinsel town trophies.
His main goal ,along with a business man’s need to turn a profit, seems to be pleasing his audiences.Appears be a rare commodity in the film industry these days.
It is also a bonus that the storyline of one of his most popular projects deals with the American people being fed up with the rampant crime and authorities coddling criminals. His characters do what many of us approve of. Someone has to stop this tsunami of crime and allowing it to happen. It has to be stopped in a manner that illustrates this behavior is not going to be tolerated.
My vote is for Mr. Taylor Sheridan to be the person to tell the tales of legendary lawmen from the early 1900s, a time ripe with stories and an era that American needs to be reminded of.
PS. Please, a 3 inch K frame, enclosed ejector rod housing, fixed sights or low mount Novaks, NO LOCK in .327 magnum.
Thanks Santa.
Tony, it sounds like we need to learn more about Mr. Sheridan! Thank you for the steer! Maybe RevolverGuy needs to add a movie review feature?
Since it’s your idea, you get first dibs on the new .327, but I think you’ll have a bunch of us eagerly standing behind you, in line.
Mountain guns, Smith & Wesson doesn’t seem to be doing so well (Take a look at their stock) and bringing back the 45 colt and 44 magnum N frames would be good moves.
Get rid of the locks, and I’d buy three over the next year.
That diamond back though…
Jiminsky, I don’t think S&W understands the pent-up demand for no-lock guns. I’m with you—I’d buy a half-dozen in as many months if they got rid of that lock.
Appreciate the response. Just wrote a letter to them. Maybe it will do some good.
Attaboy! We’ve been beating that drum for a long time, and I hope they’ll eventually listen.
Fingers crossed that actual letters can get in front of the right people over there as opposed to just sending an email over. What I wouldn’t give to see that lock fade into history.
You want the address?
Hey Mike,
I guess I would put S&W reading this list and subsequent commentary at the top of my list!
A hearty “Amen” to Michael Brady and Tony’s comments on the 3″ K frames. That +P rated Model 12 with a black nitride finish and good sights is top of my list- might as well get the action job and chamfered charge holes while we’re at it. J frames with good sights, a Pro Series 940 and some six shot .32 H&R options too, please. Mountain Guns and 4″ 624’s back in the catalog. A Classic with a nickel finish now and then? A Model 21 or 22? Please???
My favorite part of these Christmas Wish List articles (and why I elected to do it again this year) is to see the things you guys come up with! Every one of the wishes has me pumping my head, “Yes, Please!”
Mine’s simple. Dear Colt, take the King Cobra Target sights and install them on the 3″ model. That would make an excellent concealable fighting revolver.
And of course, “plug the hole, plug the hole.”
Simple is good, Daniel. I like it! A great idea!
I wonder if there’s enough metal there for Dave Lauck to install one of his wonderful fixed sights on the 3” New King Cobra? THAT would be a great combo for a fighting gun!
I’ve been pondering the same!
Already got my Xmas wish, a Ruger Max 9. Use it for church carry replacing my 7 shot Taurus 357 mag as primary. The mag is a bit showy in kakis and the Ruger is slimmer with 12+1 on board Winchester PDX 1. Still carry the 7 shot revolver 90% of the time around town, and the house, loaded with CorBon DPX on board. Just love revolvers and have for 70 yrs.
Excellent as always Mike! Your ear is to the ground of the revolver world so well that a couple of your wishes have come true!
I’m weird so my wish list item is for a .22 lr version of the Colt 1849 Pocket blackpowder single action revolver. With usable sights, but otherwise still looking like a 170+ firearm.
Hello? Uberti? Taylor’s? Piety’s? Cimarron?
Oooh, that would be neat! A baby Colt in .22 would be FUN!
Mike, you always present some admirable sentiments that encompass most of what I’d love to see from the industry in the future. If I could purchase a new Ruger Service Six I’d buy a few and ditch my GP100 in a heartbeat; the Speed/Service/Security Six guns were some of the best revolvers that Ruger ever put out. Stylish, svelte, and perfectly capable while not being especially heavy like the GP100 is.
The King Cobra is an encouraging step from Colt, but I really do dislike the look of its square trigger guard. Its trigger return spring could be a stronger, and the face of its trigger definitely should be wider. I found that the rear sight trough could’ve been cut a little more deeply too, and including a Hogue Monogrip instead of something nicer at its price point was a little off-putting for me. On a side note, I’d love to see Colt re-introduce the Trooper in its Mk III look. An alternative to the new Python for those of us that prefer partial underlugs and non-ribbed barrels would be nice! Especially if they can make it with that lustrous black DLC finish they’ve been working on.
I’d also like to add-in the obligatory “S&W ditch the locks” comment here. I can’t tell you how much lighter my wallet would be if S&W started offering their revolvers without locks again, and especially if they revert the re-contoured J and K frames back to the frame angles they had in the pre-lock era.
A very Merry Christmas to you, and fingers crossed that Shot Show 2023 has some good news in store.
An excellent list, Zach! A new Trooper—now THERE is a neat idea! I haven’t seen the glossy DLC finish yet, but it sounds wonderful!
Trooper ?? Did someone mention a new Colt Trooper ??? Where ?
Here’s one of the threads on that DLC finish from a Colt Forum. Apparently the Custom Shop is still toying with formulation, but if it’s ready for full-scale mass production at some point I’d love to see the Trooper return with it!
Whoa, that’s a jaw-dropper!!!
Agreed. If they can get this right it might be one of the sharpest looking finishes to hit the market in a long time!
I love a good revolver wish list!
Here’s mine:
A Colt Trooper Mk VI. Put a half rib barrel on the Python and make a limited run.
The Colt Custom Shop has made some high polished DLC revolvers that are a rich, deep glossy black. I know cost would be premium, but moving that stunning finish to a regular item would sell like mad.
A run of 3” N-frames like Lew Horton used to offer, starting with the 610 and 627.
More custom wood grip makers. I second that from the article above.
Sarafiland Comp IIIs for the Colt Python.
Seasons Greetings, everyone-
Another vote for a Trooper and the glossy DLC finish! You guys are definitely onto something! I think that would be a super cool gun!!
The Wilson sights on a Python are terrific. Colt should unclench their sphincters and license it. It makes a very good gun into a great one.
I’d like to see a Jelly Brice movie.
Rock Island Armory 22m. Four inch, eight rounds, stainless finish.
Thanks Robert, I’d totally forgotten about that one, and I actually shot it in January at the show! Getting old is hard. Now, where did I set my glasses down?
I’d like to see Smith and Wesson drop the lock. Please.
Good to see some fellow refugees from the old “Stopping Power Forums”. Always enjoyed Ace’s tales from the gun counter…
I miss being able to talk to the Stopping Power gang, too. Like you, I’m happy to see some of them check in, here, from time to time! I’ve heard from Ace, Bill S., Pop Pop, Little Bill, and a few others in the comments here. Glad to have you with us, Sir!
Merry Christmas Y’all. Been outta the saddle after some surgery. Sucks getting old. Haven’t been to for a good while. I was “heavyweight” and miss that forum. There was a wealth of information there. This is an outstanding site and I appreciate the time and effort you guys put into the informative articles. The aforementioned names from Evan’s site are familiar. I used to go there regularly. If anyone knows where one can acquire some imitation mother of pearl grips for my Taurus 445UL, please give me a shout. She’s a beauty with a highly polished blue finish. Good to be back!
Jack, we’re super glad to have you back, and I hope you’re feeling better after surgery! I didn’t know you were “Heavyweight” over there—I was “Ten Driver.” Glad to have all my StoppingPower friends over here at RevolverGuy!
Round butt the 3” Python. That would be good.
I have a Gp-100 .22 LR that I love. Now I would like one in .22 Mag. Hey Ruger!
One other thought. Colt must have lost their trademark on Diamondback because the King Cobra Target .22 is a modern version of the old Volt Diamondback .22
I’ve been told that Diamondback Firearms controls it now, but can’t confirm.
True 38 specials, 6 shot, in medium frames that are not snubs (3 & 4 inches). I like the SW Model 10 that is currently in production. I like the Cobra, but want a longer barrel. Taurus has moved into this space with alot of offerings. SP101 is a great candidate. All things considered, there seems to be many more revolver choices than ten years ago.
I agree, Jelly. With Colt back in the revolver business, and new players like Kimber, we’ve got more choices than ever. The S&W catalog has been shrinking, but the Ruger catalog has been growing. On balance, we’re in better shape than we were 10 years ago—kind of a mild resurgence of the revolver.
All of the above, please! Meanwhile, reading your comments on ammunition made me come up with a riddle…
Q: If it is actually .357 diameter, why do we call it .38?
A: Because it’s $38 per box!
I wish it were funny.
Hahaha! That’s no joke, pal!
I would like to see Colt make an elliptical trigger guard on their revolvers again. I would like to see “H&R/1873″ make .22 rimfire revolvers, I would also like to see them make .327FedMag that would chamber the whole gamut from .32ACP to .327FedMag. I wish that Heritage Arms would reintroduce the Single action in a steel .32H&R Mag with adjustable sights. I’d like to see SIG reintroduce the P250 with a short reset trigger, it IS the SIG that does not go off on its own…(sarc) I would like to see Kahr introduce a captive RSA for all of their pistols, the open ended spring sucks for new users. Obviously, I hope S&W drops the lock. The Ruger mid-sized frame concept I love. I have a Security-Six with a 6” bbl.; would love to see them do it in various calibers and various bbl lengths; an 8-shot .327FM would be nice..Would love to see the “Constitution of the United States Of America” be followed to the letter; ie. “shall not be infringed.”
Sing it, brother! A great list, all the way around.
Merry Christmas!! Late to the party, but I’ll add one wish anyway.
I really enjoy shooting my Kimber K6s. What I’d really like is to add a .22 version of the 4″ DASA. I have plenty of High-Standard and Ruger .22 autoloaders, but not a single .22 revolver. (My centerfire handguns are in the opposite ratio, with only a SIG 1911 autoloader and a few .38/.357/.44 revolvers)
The Kimber is such a joy to shoot, I can only imagine what a .22 version with that wonderful trigger would be like.
Steve, we’re glad to have you, even a little late. I think a .22 LR K6s would be really neat. Great suggestion!
Heck, I’ll just take consistent QC from the factory. Just ensure that guns leaving the factory are made to spec. No guns (pistol or revo) made in the USA seem capable of that. It’s like I’m living in a third world country.
Loved everything on the list and all of the encouraging comments.
I have wanted a .327 Fed Mag and a .22lr stainless revolver in the GP100 or SP101 from Ruger. I have the LCR in .327 and love it. Just don’t like shooting the full load of 327 from the LCR as I will get powder residue on my forearms as well as the extra kick. When I asked Ruger when they would be building new revolvers they informed me that they take their input on what to build from their distributors.
Long story short I would love for manufacturers to get an order directly from consumers even if it goes through a distributor.
Carlos, I think we’re slowly turning the corner on the Great Gun Panic of 2020-2021, and 2023 will see more of a return to normalcy in manufacturing. For the last several years, companies like Ruger have been overwhelmed just trying to produce enough of their favorites to meet the demands of the hyperinflated market, and they haven’t had the resources to build everything in the catalog. I think we’ll see more of the specialty SKUs come back in 2023, however. Ruger will finally get some breathing room to make SP101s in calibers other than .357 Mag, for example. Hopefully a run of .327s isn’t far away! Now if we could just get some .327 ammo, too . . .
It’s New Years Eve and I’m on the internet. Santa brought me some nice things this year, but the new production, aluminum frame Cobra wasn’t available. Maybe Colt will have some good news at SHOT.
I would like to see S&W introduce all those interesting and innovative revolvers of late ( like the 986 and 927) in a blued finish and not that dull stove paint they put on things these days, real blue.
I would also like to see more 3” guns especially K frames! Again we need more blued options
All my current S&W’s are older guns, but for an actual blued gun with some of the modern innovations ( 9mm moon clips etc)
How about J frames in 9mm again?
While on J frames in 9 how a bout a shorter frame for a 9 smaller than a J ( don’t need all that extra cylinder length to make it as compact or more so than the popular autos?