Every RevolverGuy needs a .22 caliber revolver. Rimfire ammo is much less expensive than any centerfire cartridge and the result is the same for practice or target shooting. .22s are a great way to train and gain experience that transfers directly over to centerfire shooting. Plus, plinking with .22s can be incredibly fun and they’re excellent choices to introduce new shooters to firearms.
Many years ago, I traded into a Smith & Wesson Model 686 No-Dash .357 Magnum revolver with a 6-inch barrel. I discovered that my double action shooting abilities were subpar and .38 Special ammunition was an expensive endeavor for practice, let alone full powered .357 Magnums. Instead, I lucked into a S&W Model 617-5, six shot, 6-inch barrel for sale by a friend who never fired it and was only asking the very reasonable price of what he paid for it new several years earlier. This Model 617 .22 was a fraternal twin of my 686, so the deal was made.

I practiced double action shooting with my 617 and improved my technique to where I was satisfied with my competency. The 617 was an inherently accurate revolver with its long sight radius (the result of its 6-inch barrel). The trigger was very good in both double action and single action modes from the factory and its target sights were outstanding.
Then I made the mistake so many of us do.
I sold it. I didn’t shoot it for a few years and felt I’d made good use of its attributes to improve my double action trigger control. The relatively inexpensive .22 long rifle ammunition had allowed me to shoot a lot and shooting a lot (while paying attention to the sights, trigger control, breathing, grip, and stance) is the way to better your shooting. I didn’t see any further need for the big .22 and a different gun was financed with the 617’s sale.
I Could Use that Gun Now
Years later, I retired and my wife and I eventually moved to rural west Tennessee. Our log cabin is on sufficient enough land to allow me to shoot more than I ever thought I would. This newfound lifestyle keeps me pinching myself, hoping to never wake up from this wonderful dream. It also makes me miss that S&W .22 a whole lot, now that I have a place to shoot it more often.
Copperhead and cottonmouth snakes keep me on my toes. They’re not common, but I’ve had to dispatch several over the last three years. Beavers cause our lake’s drainage to dam up and they take down way too many of our trees. Armadillos dig up the acreage and make it look like it was bombarded by hundreds of tiny explosive missiles. Lots of game animals abound that a long barrel .22 would be a perfect match to take…squirrels, bunnies, and bobcats when in season.

I considered trying to buy another S&W. Perhaps an old Bekeart 22/32, as I’ve always found them uniquely attractive. But realistically, their small frame (even with the oversize grip) would be a poor match for my large hands. While I sure liked the 617 I had sold, it was a kind of “been there, done that” sort of deal. What other .22 would satisfy my itch while still being new ground compared to where I’d already been?
I’ve always been more of a S&W kind of RevolverGuy, but I did have two Colt Fitz-style snub nose wheel guns that I really enjoy. Hmmmm, what about a Colt double action revolver?
The double action trigger on Colt revolvers is quite different than the S&W’s. The S&W trigger has seemed smoother, more consistent, and all around better in my opinion. A Colt .22 would help me gain a better appreciation for the Colt double action through more shooting. More shooting! Yes! This excuse…I mean reasoning…makes perfect sense!
A Brand New Colt? Not Yet!
Colt’s recent reintroduction of double action revolvers surprised many in the shooting/ collecting world. I remember reading post after post on a Colt Message Forum that the company would NEVER bring back the Python, let alone any double action revolvers. Well that certainly turned out to be dead wrong. Currently Colt offers their Cobra, King Cobra, Python, and Anaconda double actions, but no .22 caliber double action. One has to wonder if a .22 may be on the horizon, ready to see daylight sometime soon? (Editor’s Note: At the time Steve wrote the article, Colt had not released their King Cobra Target .22 LR, yet. They must have heard he wanted one!)

I’ve always liked older firearms anyway, so I started browsing the internet gun auction sites and decided rather quickly that a 6-inch barreled Colt Officers Model Match that came with target sights would be just what my trigger finger was itching for. The Colt Officers Model Target .22 was introduced in 1927. It had been preceded in 1904 by the Colt Officers Model (not called Target), which was available only in center fire calibers. The Officers Model Match came out in 1953 and ran until 1969. This particular version is considered by aficionados as the Fifth Issue. A Sixth Issue called the Officers Model Match Mark III came out in 1969 and changed to a hammer transfer bar system.
My decision was made to search out a Fifth Issue with the firing pin actually in the hammer. I mentioned to my best friend from high school that I was going to try and find one on Gunbroker. He happened to be at the local gun shop in Florida he frequents the next day and he texted me a photograph of just the revolver I had been telling him about. He handled it and inspected it and even got the price down a bit. I figured having my trusted friend go hands-on with this Colt was better than me buying one online with only photos and the seller’s description as my guide.
New to Me
The Colt was transferred through my local FFL here in Tennessee and it turned out to be in excellent mechanical condition, with only some holster wear on the barrel and muzzle. The bore was bright and shiny and looked like new after I gave the entire handgun a thorough cleaning.

This particular gun’s serial number dated it to 1968. That was a time when Colts were expertly hand assembled and finished by skilled craftsmen. The deep, dark blueing on this revolver is truly blue and not black when gleaming outside in the sunlight. The factory target walnut stocks fill my hands for an excellent grip and their checkering was still sharp. The Accro fully adjustable sights are big and easy to see as target sights should be. They give plenty of distance from front to rear, mounted atop the tapered, long barrel.

The hammer on this Fifth Issue was changed by Colt to the wide, diamond checkered target hammer much like the Python’s. It’s easy to cock with your strong hand thumb as its reach does not require a change in shooting grip.
The double action trigger pull on vintage Colts takes some getting used to, especially if you’re used to S&W revolvers. The Colt trigger “stacks” a bit. That is to say, the weight/pressure required keep the action moving feels like it’s becoming heavier, as you pull the trigger. It’s not a lot, but it doesn’t stay even or get lighter toward the end of the pull. It stacks up and feels like it is harder to pull the trigger as it reaches its last amount of travel before dropping the hammer. Mind you, this isn’t a huge amount of pressure. It’s small, but still noticeable.

The Colt’s trigger pull is smooth, without hitches and stops and restarts and clicks and slams and clutches. But it is also almost impossible to stage like a S&W trigger. The S&W double action trigger pull locks up the cylinder well before the hammer drops. With practice, the trigger can be staged and brought to the point where the cylinder has turned and locked up in line with the barrel and then paused momentarily. This pause can allow precise sight alignment before the trigger is pulled, almost in a single action kind of mode, as if the hammer had been manually cocked, before letting off the shot.
It’s almost impossible to do this with a Colt. The hammer appears to be falling as the cylinder is still rotating before locking into place, aligning a cylinder chamber with the barrel. I say, “almost impossible” because experts with lots of experience with Colt double action revolvers are excellent shots. There are those who fancy the Colt double action over the S&W style and will explain the complicated mechanical reasons at length why the Colt is superior. All I know is that for me, the Colt is more difficult to shoot accurately in double action than the S&W.
Single action is easy and phenomenally accurate with my Colt Officer Model Match. Cocking the hammer is easy with the big, wide hammer and the trigger pull breaks at 3 pounds of pressure. That’s perfect and as long as I keep the sights properly lined up, this Colt hits its mark every time.

I’ve practiced with this Colt in double action mode on my steel targets out on my range, transitioning from target to target between shots. I like to shoot two shots on the right target, two shots on the center target, and two shots on the left target. As a right handed shooter, I have faster target acquisition moving from right to left than from left to right. The gun in my hand blocks my view moving left to right, so I prefer right to left if it’s left up to my discretion.
As time went on, I found my abilities with the Colt on par with my abilities with the S&W. I would not go so far as to say I have mastered the Colt double action trigger pull, but within my abilities, I am able to get it to work very well. At the beep of my timer, firing the first two rounds at the steel target is quick enough to satisfy me. I noticed that as I transitioned to the center target, my trigger finger was pulling the trigger, cocking the hammer, and rotating the cylinder so that when the target arrived in my sight picture, I was very close to finishing the trigger pull/press and hitting my mark.
While I would stage the trigger on a S&W between targets, I found I was doing a very close approximation of the same thing with Colt, even though the cylinder wasn’t locking up prior to my sights’ arrival on target.

I’m still shooting the Colt Officers Model Match regularly and I’ve found it to be an ergonomically outstanding revolver with its big oversize match target stocks. It’s sights are excellent, being big and easy to see. The fit and finish are superb and I adore the polished blue surfaces outside in the sunlight. Several new shooters have fired it and the lack of recoil and natural ability to hit combine for a pleasurable first experience.

I’m very happy with this Colt Officers Model Match .22 and consider it to have been a good choice instead of purchasing another S&W like I already had. I’ve fired my Colt 1917 .45 ACP again since shooting my Officers Model Match and the work with the .22 translated well to the bigger, bolder, and badder .45 revolver. I was able to manage the trigger better on the snubby big bore than I had before all the .22 practice.
Used Guns
Properly taken care of used guns can last practically forever. Used guns can also be a good deal. “Old” used guns in good condition may be the last refuge of the investment dollar. It used to be said that you couldn’t go wrong in real estate, but that’s no longer true. Gold is certainly not a guaranteed investment. Even classic cars have wained and gained without confidence. But quality collectible firearms still haven’t gone down in value. Buying this neat old Colt .22 has provided fun and less expensive practice and entertainment. I’m pretty sure that several years from now I could sell this Colt and not lose any money. Actually, I believe it’s more likely I’d see a profit.
But I learned my lesson with that S&W 617…I’m not selling this Colt Officers Model Match .22 revolver.
My .22 revolver is by no means a classic. It’s just a Taurus 96 from the Early 80’s (or Late 70’s) since it dates before Taurus USA.
Found it in a pawn shop two weeks ago for $300. Lockup and timing were good, overall condition was good, and I needed a new .22 double-action revolver to replace the High Standard Sentinel I disliked.
Glad I got it. Nice trigger, very fun to shoot. Can’t complain at all.
Axel, the Sentinel is one of two guns I’ve ever sold, and I wish I had it back. Follow Steve’s advice and hang onto it! You won’t appreciate it until it’s gone.
No matter what manufacturer you have, a double action, 22 caliber revolver is all kinds of fun!
Well, sir, if you ever get a sudden itch to sell that nice Colt Officers Match .22, give me a ring!
Vintage firearms in good condition are, in my opinion, superior in many ways to the stuff made today–unless one wants to pay big bucks for a high-end gunsmith to rework the new gear to approximate the old pieces. In that situation, it would be cheaper to buy the vintage firearm.
Around the middle of last year, there was an article claiming that Colt had introduced their King Cobra Target in .22LR (a ten-shot stainless revolver, with 4- and 6-inch barrels) but that little popper doesn’t appear on Colt’s website. Not sure what to make of that.
The Marketing is leading the Manufacturing (and the website, apparently). I saw the new KC Target .22 at SHOT Show and it’s very nice. We’ll be trying to get a sample for T&E here
I learned my lesson Spencer, so I’m keeping this one! I agree with you completely, but the older guns were better, and are still better in many ways than current production.
I’d like to note that Colt announced their new for 2023 King Cobra Target .22 revolver with a 6” barrel and a ten shot cylinder. It’s going to be a neat .22 for RevolverGuys.
I’ve been eyeing one of these in a local shop for the past few months. Very hard to find information on these online other than “they existed,” so I’m very grateful for this article! I love my .22 Smiths so that old Colt might just have to join them.
I hope that I turn out to be an enabler for you, Andrew! I say, go pick up that Colt at your pawn shop!
Steve, thanks for sharing that treasure you found. The old Colts, while an armorers nightmare, were beautifully made. You would probably like my wife’s pre-1957 S&W .22 airweight built on the old ‘I’ frame. It was made in 1956, and would (the next year) be marked as the Model 43.
The old Colt double actions do indeed have a very distinct timing pattern from the Smiths. They lock up at the top of the double action stroke, unlike the Smiths that lock up before the stop of the stroke. It is possible to get the Colt to replicate – kinda sorta – the Smith lockup, but it requires an oversized parts and lots of careful fitting. In the long run, once you master that old Colt double action cycle, then the S&W will be a shoe-in. Paul Weston of the NYPD’s pistol team used a Colt Python for matches and taught the technique of mastering the Colt DA trigger. (re: his book, The Handbook of Handgunning, 1968)
You are very correct that, especially for Revolverguys, at least one good .22 revolver is a must to retain proficiency without breaking the bank. If you ever find a S&W Model 18, (the .22LR version of the Combat Masterpiece) grab it! It will go great with your Colt.
I’m glad you liked the article! Everybody needs a 22 caliber double action revolver, they’re so versatile!
I think you’re right that once a Colt DA is mastered, switching to a S&W is easy!
I enjoyed this a lot, and I love vintage Colts (and new ones, too). I’m trying to invent a use-case for me. I’d love a .22 revolver, though I’d want it in .22 mag for varmints.
Might end up with a Single six convertible, since I have some .22 shot shells. Currently our Copperheads meet their match with .38s I load myself.
Watch your step! At least no Cottonmouths here, and last year, no Copperheads (after dispatching 6 in 2021 and 5 in 2020). Might be the healthy Black Racer and Rat Snake population we seem to suddenly have. We had one who pretty much lived with us all summer, tame as could be. I’d just work around him. Then he began eating eggs in one of the coops. He’s still alive, but I moved him to another part of our farm.
Ol Wheelgunner, we have our gray rat snakes here and they’re my friends. Hopefully they eat the danger noodles for us. Although one gray ratty did drop out of a tree and scare our daughter quite a bit!
A .22 lr / .22 Magnum convertible would be a great combo. How about a Colt Frontier Scout (pricey though) or a Ruger Super Single Six?
I agree with your assessment of Colt triggers. However, with time staging a Colt trigger isn’t much more difficult than on a Smith. It is different though. My 1961 Cobra is quite accurate staging….it is kind of strange seeing the cylinder seemingly still rotating when the hammer falls….;-)
P.S. Your new addition is quite the beauty!
Thanks Mike J! It would be interesting to see super slow motion video of a Colt DA cylinder/hammer/trigger as it all locks up at the last second.
Back in 1967 upon my arrival home from 9 months in Africa I bought an Officers Model Match 22 for $67.++ It was a used old Colt. I still have it and I still shoot it.
I love hearing stories like that, David! I’m so glad you held onto it. Enjoy that wonderful gun!
Steve your great story over letting a favorite revolver slip away sure rang some bells for me. Never far from the surface is the memory of a model 17 I bought back in high school.
Loved that Smith, it rode a lot of roads and rivers over here in the Ozarks, it didn’t like Cottonmouths either. One day sent it off to Fort Worth to get an Armoloy coating. That made it go from great to fantastic. Still dumb enough that one day I traded it off. Have regretted that ever since.
Been looking for it for many years, no avail.
Picked up a shooter grade model 45 in .22 with a great DA. Backed it up several years later with 4 inch 617 no dash.
Pretty good shape but I still ask have you ever seen a 17 with an Armoloy finish?
Love your Colt but just can not overcome their DA. Too old to change I guess.
If you have not done so get a box of Federal punch, I hear Cottonmouths get pretty big next door.
Stay Safe!
Tony, if I ever see an Armaloy finished Model 17, I’ll know it’s yours! I’ve got some .22 Punch and I may give it a try when the venomous slitherers come back out.
A model 45 is a .22 cal M&P I believe. I’ve never seen a real one. Nice!
There was a recent posting from someone asking if smith ever did a brushed nickel 17, implying he had one. Maybe that is your old gun?
I’ve had a .22 caliber S&W Model 18 for over 40 years. I taught myself to shoot DA with it and that has translated well to bigger calibers. In modern times I’ve acquired a Ruger GP-100 in .22 and I highly recommend them. Another gun to look for is the Colt Official Police in .22. They’re awesome even if they have fixed sights.
All great choices Brett! I bet that GP100 .22 is all kinds of fun to shoot!
Excellent article. I have a .38 Officer’s Model Match of similar vintage (with an Elliason rear sight instead of the Accro) and love it, though like you I have to adjust to the Colt DA and have never been quite as good with it as with my S&W Pre-M15 Combat Masterpiece. The action is like glass and fantastic in SA.
A nifty companion piece (though maybe not for the large of hand) is the Police Positive .22 Target. They came in different versions–I have the earlier 1910s model on the .32 frame, but later ones were on the short (non-Special) .38 frame and have a little more heft. Either way, a superb trail/plinking gun. The sights are a bead front with a drift-adjustable U-notch rear, which are perfect for general use if not all that great for bullseye.
.22 DA revolvers are, to me, the most pleasant rimfire handguns on the range: easy to load and unload, great for teaching new shooters, fun to shoot in different modes, and usually well set up with good sights and a variety of grip options.
Happy shooting!
Thanks Steve H! I agree with you and pretty much any .22 revolver can get the job done.
Reviews about the latest new gats are enjoyable to read, though in my opinion articles covering vintage wheel guns such as this one are even better.
Revolverguys probably will draw their own conclusions about the golden age of American gun manufacturing, but for me current-day firearms companies would do well to bring back at least some of the fit and finish of older firearms, and revive a few discontinued models like Colt has been doing for the last couple years. In fact, those companies might discover that their sales would increase because there are plenty of customers who will pay more to get better-made products.
I’m with ya Spencer!
I recently made the terrible mistake of parting with an Officers Model Match just like the one you recently acquired. The short version of a long story is that we moved to Idaho from California. My collection had grown to the point that I thought it necessary to down size for the move. The Colt Officers Model Match in .22LR was acquired several year ago and I had not fired it. It was a 1960’s vintage gun and was in almost new condition. Like all the guns I have sold I regret having sold this one too. More than some. My first revolver was a 6″ Colt Python that I bought in 1962. I still have it and love the craftsmanship of that vintage of Colt. The Officers Model Match had the same character and quality of workmanship as my Python. Aside from the very different double action trigger pull as compared to S&W revolvers the Colts are very beautiful and functional revolvers. I wish I had the Officers Model Match back. Here in Idaho I’m sure I could find a good use for it.
Oh Sir, you’re making my heart ache! I’m sorry it worked out that way, but I’m sure the next fella was thanking his lucky stars to discover such a wonderful treasure! Maybe it will bring you good karma, for making him so happy!
Dick+Bonneau, you’re gonna make me cry! There’s another one out there somewhere, someday for you!
Steve & Mike: I have been regretting selling that Officers Model Match ever since I accepted the money for. the sale. Well, guess what, I just found a 1960’s vintage Colt Officers Model Match on Guns International. It is unfired in the original box with all papers including the factory test target. I couldn’t resist. It should arrive at my local FFL dealer next week. The only difference from the OMM I sold is that I sold a .22 LR. The new one is a .38 Spcl. I can’t wait to see it in person. If you are interested I’ll attach pictures when it arrives.
Congratulations Sir! Yes, please email the photos of your new find when it arrives! Enjoy!
Revolvers are my favorite handguns, and 22 my favorite caliber, so this areticle is on target for me ( pun intended) much like the author, I have always been primarily an S&W guy, but have had a few colts in my day. My father had a set of officer model matches in SA only one 38 and one 22, that were as accurate as any modern target grade auto made, and maybe even more. My brother is custodian of those now. I do get the trigger is different and I hopped on the python bandwagon in the 1990’s, but just couldn’t tolerate the trigger, and have continued to be happy with smiths. My go to 22 is a birth year 17
Have a photo of my mom shooting my dad’s Officer’s Model 22 from around 1946.
I managed to find one made about 1935 recently.
I picked up a new King Cobra .22, absolutely love it.
Beautiful. I own a pre-war (WWII) Colt Officers Model Target with the heavy 6″ tapered barrel in .38 Special and a first year (54/55) Colt “357” revolver also with the heavy 6″ tapered barrel. Love the old Colt DA revolvers with the heavy 6″ barrel. Alot of it has to do with aesthetics I suppose (to me they just look right with the heavy bl and “hanging” ejector rod), but I also like how they shoot. Hold onto that Colt.