The Average Gun Owner

I recently had the opportunity to attend a CCW refresher class.  This class is mandated by my Sheriff for all permit holders, as a prerequisite to renewing a permit. It was really interesting to get a refresher on what the “average CCW applicant” looked like.  I’ve spent so much time around dedicated, highly trained, and well practiced shooters that I’ve become accustomed to people with a high level of proficiency and knowledge.  Seeing “John Q. Public” up close was a good reminder that it’s not always this way. Continue reading “The Average Gun Owner”

The DeSantis FLETC 2.0

As dedicated revolver enthusiasts, your RevolverGuy team occupies a unique position in the industry. There are very few individuals and groups out there with such a concentrated focus on revolvers, and that’s afforded us some unique opportunities to work with manufacturers on product improvements and new ideas. One recent project that we were proud to play a small role in was the development of the new FLETC 2.0 holster from DeSantis. Continue reading “The DeSantis FLETC 2.0”

The Janz Revolver: The Best Gun You’ve Never Heard Of

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines serendipity as “the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for.”  Serendipity occurs when you unexpectedly bump into a long-lost friend, or find a $20 bill under the sofa cushion when you’re fishing for the nickel that just fell between the cracks.

Serendipity also occurs at the Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trades (SHOT) Show, when you blindly stumble into a quiet, non-descript display booth, and discover the world’s most highly-engineered and precisely-manufactured wheelgun—The Janz Revolver. Continue reading “The Janz Revolver: The Best Gun You’ve Never Heard Of”

The Aker Model 160A IWB Holster

I didn’t want to like this holster.

It wasn’t a question of workmanship or materials. It was obvious from the start that this holster was made of good stuff and had been assembled with care and attention to detail. This was not one of those holsters (and there are many out there) that missed its calling as a chew toy for a large dog. Continue reading “The Aker Model 160A IWB Holster”

DA Revolver Function Check

If you read the field report on the K6s, then you know that one of our test guns had a firing pin failure that rendered the gun inoperable. The RevolverGuy who owns this gun detected the problem during a routine inspection and function check, and it’s an awfully good thing that he did, because the gun was being carried as a defensive arm. Nobody wants their gun to go “click” when it should go “boom.” That’s the kind of surprise that we’d all like to avoid. Continue reading “DA Revolver Function Check”

A 2018 RevolverGuy Christmas Story

The crunching sound seemed to echo for a second when his boots came to a stop at the edge of the dry wash. He took in a deep breath of the cold desert air, and it burned his dry nose a bit, reminding him to reach for his canteen and take a swig. Continue reading “A 2018 RevolverGuy Christmas Story”