The Case For The Modern Defensive Revolver

In today’s world, the idea of anyone recommending or advocating the carriage of a revolver as a primary defensive handgun is usually met with scorn and ridicule by self-appointed firearms “experts.” Continue reading “The Case For The Modern Defensive Revolver”

The Smith & Wesson L-Frame Story

With a company history that dates back to 1852, Smith & Wesson has seen a lot of milestones and has delivered a host of classic designs to the shooting public. Some of those favorites have come and gone from the Smith & Wesson catalog over the years, but the ever-popular L-Frame family of revolvers remains, and continues to sell strong for the team from Springfield, Massachusetts. Continue reading “The Smith & Wesson L-Frame Story”

Review: The .38 Special Ruger LCR

We took a good look under the hood of the Ruger LCR a while back and also did a field report on the LCR in 9mm. Since that time, I’ve been doing some additional shooting with the .38 Special version of the LCR, and I’m nearing the 350 round mark.  As such, I thought it was time for me to share some of my latest observations on this innovative snubby. Continue reading “Review: The .38 Special Ruger LCR”

Field Report: The 2020 Colt Python

If ever there were a revolver that could be considered “mythical” it would be the Colt Python. The Python has been the “Grail gun” for some, the warmest of memories for others, or some combination of both for many a revolver enthusiast. I must admit the reputation of the Python makes the new, 2020 Colt Python an intimidating gun to write about, especially for a guy with no experience with the original. But I’ll try anyway. Continue reading “Field Report: The 2020 Colt Python”

Review: Taurus 942 .22 LR Revolver

I don’t think I’ve made it any secret, but I am no fan of the .22 Long Rifle.  It’s just generally not my cup of tea. Nothing against you if it’s yours, but it has never really blown my skirt up. Though the Ruger Wrangler has found a place in my collection, I remain sort of generally unimpressed with the .22 Long Rifle. Continue reading “Review: Taurus 942 .22 LR Revolver”

Revisiting the Colt King Cobra

It’s hard to believe it has been almost a year since I reviewed the 2019 Colt King Cobra! On the other hand, it’s also hard to believe it has only been a year since this special revolver came into my life! We try our dead-level best to give you guys the most honest, most thorough reviews we possibly can, but sometimes, there’s no substitute for time. Today I’m going to revisit the Colt King Cobra, and give you my thoughts after a year with this wheelgun. Continue reading “Revisiting the Colt King Cobra”

Why The Fitz?

Recently, there has been a lot of interest and posts on “Fitz” revolvers on social media. I simply shake my head at the level of pontification and commentary by folks who have absolutely no concept of the reason they existed and what the intent was in their creation. There is a huge disconnect, so I thought I would do a post to explain the historical significance of these guns. Continue reading “Why The Fitz?”