The Day the Arkansas State Police Fought a Gun Battle with a Remnant of the Barrow Gang

Renowned Texas Ranger, Frank Hamer, and five other officers stopped the Barrows—permanently–on a country road outside Gibsland, Louisiana on May 23, 1934.  Three years later, in 1937, one of the country’s great state police organizations was reorganized as the Arkansas State Police (ASP). So, if the Barrows were killed in a shooting by Hamer and … Continue reading “The Day the Arkansas State Police Fought a Gun Battle with a Remnant of the Barrow Gang”

A Pretty Capable J-Frame

I bought a lightly used S&W 640-3 about four years ago. A friend’s elderly neighbor was thinning his collection and didn’t want his guns getting into the wrong hands. It was priced fairly, and I rationalized the purchase as an altruistic deed to help the man out.

D&L Sports Sights

Lt Col Jeff Cooper needs no introduction to serious RevolverGuys, but for those who didn’t get the memo, El Jefe’ was the man who, among other things, codified and popularized the Modern Technique of the Pistol, and ushered in the concept of a “gunfighting school” that was open to the public, instead of just to … Continue reading “D&L Sports Sights”

All About MIM–Part Three

In Part One of this series, we talked about how the MIM process works, and in Part Two, we discussed the pros and cons of manufacturing products with MIM methods.  In this next installment, we’re going to explore Smith & Wesson’s experience with transitioning to MIM production, and take a look at some of the … Continue reading “All About MIM–Part Three”

The Day America’s Love Affair with Criminals Ended . . .

. . . (at least in that era), Thanks to a Horrific Assault on Law and Order. If you have studied the history of criminal justice in America, you may have noticed a pendulum effect where public approval of criminals and criminality appears to move from one extreme to the other.