Lessons From the Murder of Trooper Philip Lamonaco

There was a revolution in police handguns happening in the 1980s, as American police officers increasingly said goodbye to their double action revolvers and replaced them with semiautomatic pistols. Continue reading “Lessons From the Murder of Trooper Philip Lamonaco”

Meeting Time at the HGC

The glow from the embers painted their faces an orange-yellow, and delivered a heat that warded off the slight chill in the air. The bright, dancing flames before them reduced their world to the group that ringed the fire pit, and their eyes struggled to see the details in the black, beyond. It was only by looking straight up, with chins thrust towards the sky, that they could see the heavens aglow with the fires of an endless number of distant stars and planets. Continue reading “Meeting Time at the HGC”

Simply Rugged Ammo Pouches

If you’ve been a regular RevolverGuy reader for a while, you’ll probably recall our earlier coverage of the premium leather goods produced by our friends at Simply Rugged Holsters. Proprietor Rob Leahy and his talented crew of artisans are producing some really neat holsters, belts, ammo cuffs, slings, and other leather goods that are as beautiful as they are strong, and we’re definitely big fans of their work, here. Continue reading “Simply Rugged Ammo Pouches”

Revolver Malfunctions and Stoppages

The revolver was the mainstay defensive handgun in America through the mid-to-late 20th Century. While a variety of autopistols (many of them John Browning designs—all rise!) were popular with American gun carriers as well, and eventually supplanted the revolver as King, it was the revolver that filled most holsters, pockets, and nightstands. Continue reading “Revolver Malfunctions and Stoppages”

SHOT Show 2023 Roundup

Another SHOT Show is in the books, and it’s time for a roundup of some of the products and news that will interest you as RevolverGuys (and Gals–I hope you know you’re always included in that general description, when I use it). So, without further adieu, let’s get to it!

Continue reading “SHOT Show 2023 Roundup”

D&L Sports Sights

Lt Col Jeff Cooper needs no introduction to serious RevolverGuys, but for those who didn’t get the memo, El Jefe’ was the man who, among other things, codified and popularized the Modern Technique of the Pistol, and ushered in the concept of a “gunfighting school” that was open to the public, instead of just to members of the military and law enforcement. His American Pistol Institute later morphed into Gunsite, which is famous in its own right, and still an industry leader in training armed Good Guys. Continue reading “D&L Sports Sights”