The Pachmayr Aluminum Competition Speedloader

It has been quite some time since I’ve written about a new speedloader. I thought I’d just about covered everything that’s out there on the market. Turns out there are a couple of new products popping up. Today I’m going to talk about the new Pachmayr Aluminum Competition Speedloader. Continue reading “The Pachmayr Aluminum Competition Speedloader”

Why I Don’t Like Fiber-Optic Sights

I seem to be in a minority. A lot of shooters seem to really like fiber-optic sights, but I don’t. Not even a little, and this post will explore that a bit. The main reason I don’t like them: consistency. This really hit home with me during some shooting with the 10mm GP100. Continue reading “Why I Don’t Like Fiber-Optic Sights”

Lobo Gunleather Moon Clip Pouch

Since the 10mm GP100 came into my life I have been getting intimately acquainted with moon clips. One thing I’ve had trouble finding is a suitable field/defense carry option for loaded moon clips. If I’m going to bring the gun, I want to bring a reload or two. A reader here recommended I try the Lobo Gunleather moon clip pouch, so I ordered one. It arrived recently and I’ve had few range sessions to work with it. Continue reading “Lobo Gunleather Moon Clip Pouch”

TK Custom Moon Clips and Moon Clip Tools

The world of moon clips was fairly intimidating one for me until recently. When thinking of moon clips, I mostly pictured ultra-modern competitors with dozens of clips arrayed around a fancy shooting belt. . . or WWII-vintage revolvers. Of course that all changed when the 10mm GP100 came along. This gave me a legitimate motivation to learn more about them. Knowing enough to know that I don’t know what I don’t know, I reached out to an expert: Tom over at TK Custom. Tom was happy to provide some TK Custom moon clips and the associated tools to get started properly. Continue reading “TK Custom Moon Clips and Moon Clip Tools”

Coming To Grips With Grip Adapters

When the double action, swing-out cylinder revolver began to take shape in the late 1800s, it seemed like the designers had already used up all their energy by the time they got to the back end. The grip frames on these guns were universally small, and the grips (or “stocks,” in S&W parlance) almost looked like they were afterthoughts.

Continue reading “Coming To Grips With Grip Adapters”

Revolver Competition Gear – Competition Handgun I

If you haven’t read my AAR of Mike Seeklander’s Competition Handgun I, go check it out. I decided to cover equipment separately so as not to distract from the review of the excellent course. This post will cover the revolver competition gear used during the course. Continue reading “Revolver Competition Gear – Competition Handgun I”

IWB Speedloader Pouches

In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they’re not. In theory I should be able to carry a speedloader reload for my wheelgun and use it effectively. Over the last 28 or 30 months, I’ve spent a massive amount of time thinking about reloading the revolver. I’ve worked with just about every speedloader on the market (and some that aren’t), and I’ve spent a good amount of time working with reloading techniques. And I’ve used a bunch of speedloader pouches, including some that haven’t yet been reviewed here. Continue reading “IWB Speedloader Pouches”

A RevolverGuy’s Guide To Gun Belts

RevolverGuys are usually pretty savvy, and do a good job of selecting their equipment, but there’s one gear issue that tends to raise its head with frequency amongst handgunners, and it seems that RevolverGuys are not immune to it. That issue is selecting an appropriate belt for carrying a handgun.

Continue reading “A RevolverGuy’s Guide To Gun Belts”

Galco Phoenix Belt Holster and SB5 Gun Belt

There’s a whole lot of talented folks out there making gun leather these days, and a RevolverGuy could get dizzy trying to keep up with them. A lot of these are “mom and pop” shops manned by a single craftsman, or a small team of them. They make fine, beautiful, custom products to order, but this personal touch often comes at the cost of increased price and wait times. Continue reading “Galco Phoenix Belt Holster and SB5 Gun Belt”

Fighting Leather: The Clamshell Holster

Any RevolverGuy who grew up like I did, watching a steady diet of the 1970s police drama Adam-12, will certainly remember those Blue Knights, Malloy and Reed, each drawing a Combat Masterpiece revolver from a clamshell holster that sprung open like magic every time our heroes needed to draw down on some counterculture scumbag. The image of those great  sixguns being drawn from the trick holsters was pure TV magic! Continue reading “Fighting Leather: The Clamshell Holster”