Having previously discussed the development of the Smith & Wesson L-Frame revolvers at length, it seems appropriate to discuss the 1987 recall and modification of these otherwise excellent firearms, which resulted in the “M”-stamped models of the 581, 586, 681 and 686. Continue reading “The 1987 L-Frame Recall”
Category: Uncategorized
The NAA Pug Mini Revolver
The NAA family of mini-revolvers is on of the most unique, niche firearms on the market. There is nothing else quite like these little SAA wheelguns anywhere. I have always been fascinated by these little revolvers but until recently had never even handled one. North American Arms was kind enough to send us their modernized, magnum version, the Pug. Continue reading “The NAA Pug Mini Revolver”
Happy Independence Day 2020
While the Continental Congress voted to declare independence from Britain on the Second of July, 1776, it took two days for them to complete and ratify the document that would declare it to the world. Continue reading “Happy Independence Day 2020”
Memorial Day 2020
On this day, RevolverGuy would like to pause for a moment to recognize the service members who gave “the last full measure of devotion.”
May God bless them, their families, and the United States of America.
COVID-19 and RevolverGuy Comments
Hey guys, two things real quick:
First, thanks to Mike (not Mike Wood) and Mike (Mike Wood), I’m turning comments back on for new articles for the foreseeable future. With everyone stuck at home I want to put this platform back in place.
Second, I’m trying to churn out 5-6 articles/week over at Swift/Silent/Deadly, also because folks are stuck at home, looking for stuff to do. If you’re looking for something to read, there’s a lot of new stuff over there. I’m also trying to teach some stuff over there. I would post it here, but most of it’s not revolver-related, but all of it is interesting!
Be well.
The Zeta6 K-PAK and J-STRIP Update
Since publishing my last article on Zeta6 products I have been in touch with Zeta6’s owner, Michael Lyle. Michael is a unique guy in that he is always willing to accept input on his products. Today I’m going to look at his extensively modified J-Strip, the SYM-Strip, and a product yet to be seen in these pages: the Zeta6 K-PAK. Continue reading “The Zeta6 K-PAK and J-STRIP Update”
Henry Carbine Part II: Defensive Use
As you guys know, I recently had the opportunity to spend a couple of months working with the Henry Big Boy Steel Carbine. This gun is heavily advertised as a hunting rifle, but I couldn’t overlook the self/home/farm-defense potential of this handy little carbine. Today I want to share just a few thoughts about using the Henry Big Boy Steel Carbine as a self-defense tool. I’m going to meander over some general lever-gun stuff, as well as some specifics of the Henry. If you’re interested in my full review of the carbine itself, you can check it out here. Continue reading “Henry Carbine Part II: Defensive Use”
RIMZ EZ Moon Clips
A while back a reader reached out to me asking if I was aware of RIMZ moon clips. I wasn’t, so I reached out to Denny Bennett, the proprietor. Denny set me up with a few editorial samples of his RIMZ EZ moon clips. I must say, I’m quite impressed. Continue reading “RIMZ EZ Moon Clips”
2020 SHOT Show Revolver Roundup
Your RevolverGuy team went back to Las Vegas for the 2020 SHOT Show last week, to scout out the latest in revolver goodness for you!
Comments Permanently Closed
I’m sure some of you have noted the inability to comment on articles. It was with mixed emotions that I decided to permanently close RevolverGuy’s comments. There are two primary reasons for this, and I’ll attempt to explain them here. Continue reading “Comments Permanently Closed”