The NeoMag RASC Speed Strip Carrier

Though things move a little slower here in revolver land than they do in the bottom feeder world, new products are constantly coming and going. Many of them are updates or retreads of existing designs. Occasionally, though, something comes along for RevolverGuys that represents a brand new idea. The NeoMag RASC is one such product.

Competition 101: IDPA with Revolvers

When I show up for an International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) match, and a fellow attendee asks “What division you shooting in?” and my reply is “BUG [Back Up Gun] Revolver,” I can almost be 100% sure their facial expression will be one of surprise or even mild amusement, and the accompanying verbal response will … Continue reading “Competition 101: IDPA with Revolvers”

More 10mm! The Ruger 10mm SR1911

When writing my field report on the 10mm GP100, I was ridiculously curious about the ballistics of the 10mm cartridge from a revolver. Lacking a suitably-chambered auto-loader with which to compare velocities, I reached out to Ruger and asked for a 10mm SR1911. They obliged, and within the week I had slab-side in BestMM sitting … Continue reading “More 10mm! The Ruger 10mm SR1911”

Charter Arms Pitbull 9mm Revolver

There is considerable interest in revolvers that fire semi-automatic pistol cartridges these days. Take the new Ruger Match Champion 10mm as just one and then look back one hundred years ago to revolvers such as the S&W and Colt 1917 .45 ACP revolvers to prove the concept of ammunition consolidation. The old Smiths and Colts … Continue reading “Charter Arms Pitbull 9mm Revolver”

RevolverGuy Versus “That Guy”

You guys are probably with family, or have been recently. While we love our families, we’re also, dare I say, “stuck with” them? Here at RevolverGuy we can commiserate and empathize. Trust us, we’ve been there. When “That Guy” shows up around the punch bowl, we RevolverGuys all moan and look for the exit. But … Continue reading “RevolverGuy Versus “That Guy””

Fighting Leather: The Breakfront, Part I

While some of the nation’s oldest uniformed police departments trace their roots back to the mid-1800s, it wasn’t until the early 20th Century that the majority of American police sidearms moved from tunic pockets to openly-carried duty holsters. The earliest rigs were generally substandard in materials and design, and it wasn’t long before the search … Continue reading “Fighting Leather: The Breakfront, Part I”

Why YOU Should Be Proficient with Double Action Revolvers

I frequently get the question, “why revolvers?” Using revolvers doesn’t make much sense to some, especially in today’s world of inexpensive, reliable, high-capacity semi-autos. However, I still contend that gun owners should be well rounded. This means that you – yeah, YOU! Over there with the HK V-whatever – should know how to operate a … Continue reading “Why YOU Should Be Proficient with Double Action Revolvers”

AAR: Chuck Haggard Practical Revolvers Class

Early this year I wrote that my goal was to attend at least two professional training sessions by year’s end. After attending Competition Handgun back in May, I am happy to report that I recently completed my two-course goal with Chuck Haggard’s Practical Revolvers. Though this class was only a day long (and was cut … Continue reading “AAR: Chuck Haggard Practical Revolvers Class”