AAR: Chuck Haggard Practical Revolvers Class

Early this year I wrote that my goal was to attend at least two professional training sessions by year’s end. After attending Competition Handgun back in May, I am happy to report that I recently completed my two-course goal with Chuck Haggard’s Practical Revolvers. Though this class was only a day long (and was cut … Continue reading “AAR: Chuck Haggard Practical Revolvers Class”

The Biggest Little Roundgun: The 3-Inch Kimber K6s

It is no secret to regular readers that I have been dying to get my hands on the 3-inch Kimber K6s. Thanks once again to the hard work of Mike and Steve, I finally got my chance to test out this revolver. This field report will cover my general impressions, and shooting and carrying what … Continue reading “The Biggest Little Roundgun: The 3-Inch Kimber K6s”

RG305: The One-Handed Revolver Reload

Of all the skills that a serious student of defense needs to consider, an emergency reload using only a single hand is probably the least important. Since training time is always limited, it’s important to prioritize and spend our time on the things that give us the best return on investment. For most of us, … Continue reading “RG305: The One-Handed Revolver Reload”

AAR: Mike Seeklander’s Competition Handgun I

I recently had the opportunity to attend Mike Seeklander’s Competition Handgun I. This two-day course is designed to train the techniques taught in Mike’s book, Your Competition Handgun Training Program. The coolest part of this course was that the two-day training concluded with an optional third-day at a large IDPA match. Even if you have … Continue reading “AAR: Mike Seeklander’s Competition Handgun I”

RG Reference: Hammers and Triggers

Back when the revolver was King, wheelgun shooters and manufacturers paid attention to details that are sometimes overlooked today. A great example of this, is the host of trigger and hammer options that were available back when sixguns still filled most of the duty holsters and won most of the matches.

RG101: The Universal Revolver Reload

Revolvers require a lot of reloading. Through the course of a range session you’ll have to reload about three times as often as your Glock-toting counterparts. You could look at this as an inconvenience or a blessing in disguise. I am more inclined to the latter. Since you have to reload a lot, you’ve got … Continue reading “RG101: The Universal Revolver Reload”

Things I’ll Miss About My Daily Carry Revolver

Choosing a concealed carry handgun is serious business. There are a host of factors to consider, including reliability, caliber, capacity, practical accuracy, and  the ever elusive “carryability”. There’s also a bunch more, but you get the idea. I don’t make such decisions lightly and I’ve recently made a pretty big one about my daily carry … Continue reading “Things I’ll Miss About My Daily Carry Revolver”

Guns that Got Away: Steve

When I think of the guns that got away, I remember attending gun shows with my dad.  My father went through periods of gun collecting that focused on certain types of guns.  At one point he was into German made Walther PPK pistols.  A particular seller had a dozen PPK 7.65mm pistols on his table.  … Continue reading “Guns that Got Away: Steve”

Gun(s) That Got Away Part II: Mike

If you’re a RevolverGuy, you’ve got one. A story, that is, about “the one that got away.”   Actually, if you’re like me, you probably have several, but there’s one that just nags at you more than the rest, and which probably says more about you and your tastes than all the others. As I sit … Continue reading “Gun(s) That Got Away Part II: Mike”