We took a good look under the hood of the Ruger LCR a while back and also did a field report on the LCR in 9mm. Since that time, I’ve been doing some additional shooting with the .38 Special version of the LCR, and I’m nearing the 350 round mark. As such, I thought it was time for me to share some of my latest observations on this innovative snubby. Continue reading “Review: The .38 Special Ruger LCR”
Happy Independence Day 2020
While the Continental Congress voted to declare independence from Britain on the Second of July, 1776, it took two days for them to complete and ratify the document that would declare it to the world. Continue reading “Happy Independence Day 2020”
A Visit To The Revolver Clinic
If you do much shooting with your revolvers, you’ll soon discover that while they are highly resistant to neglect, they need a little TLC to remain in good working order. Continue reading “A Visit To The Revolver Clinic”
Field Report: The 2020 Colt Python
If ever there were a revolver that could be considered “mythical” it would be the Colt Python. The Python has been the “Grail gun” for some, the warmest of memories for others, or some combination of both for many a revolver enthusiast. I must admit the reputation of the Python makes the new, 2020 Colt Python an intimidating gun to write about, especially for a guy with no experience with the original. But I’ll try anyway. Continue reading “Field Report: The 2020 Colt Python”
Review: Taurus 942 .22 LR Revolver
I don’t think I’ve made it any secret, but I am no fan of the .22 Long Rifle. It’s just generally not my cup of tea. Nothing against you if it’s yours, but it has never really blown my skirt up. Though the Ruger Wrangler has found a place in my collection, I remain sort of generally unimpressed with the .22 Long Rifle. Continue reading “Review: Taurus 942 .22 LR Revolver”
Memorial Day 2020
On this day, RevolverGuy would like to pause for a moment to recognize the service members who gave “the last full measure of devotion.”
May God bless them, their families, and the United States of America.
Photo Essay: Lawmen, Actors, and Gunleather
When gunleather designer and maker–and ace “Holstorian”–Red Nichols shared these images with RevolverGuy for our review of his magnificent book, we couldn’t use all of them in our story. They were too neat to scrap though, so we thought you’d enjoy seeing them in a standalone feature. Continue reading “Photo Essay: Lawmen, Actors, and Gunleather”
Book Review: Red Nichols and John Witty’s Holstory
This is a book review that is long overdue at RevolverGuy. Continue reading “Book Review: Red Nichols and John Witty’s Holstory”
Andrews Custom Leather MacDaniel II Holster
We get a lot of holsters to review here at RevolverGuy, and not all of them show up in a post when it’s all said and done. Sometimes the product is no different than one that we’ve already reviewed, and it’s not worth the bandwidth to feature it. Other times, the product needs to go back to the drawing board before it’s ready for prime time.
Once in a while though, there’s a holster which really stands out from the others, and this is one of those times. Continue reading “Andrews Custom Leather MacDaniel II Holster”
A Welcome to First-Time Gun Owners
The COVID-19 scare has brought a lot of new people into the ranks of gun ownership over the last month, many of whom have never owned a firearm before. If this defines you, we at RevolverGuy.com would like to say, “welcome aboard,” and offer our help as you try to get the answers for the questions that you have as a new gun owner. Continue reading “A Welcome to First-Time Gun Owners”