Continued from The Great Revolver Frame War–Part I
The Great Revolver Frame War – Part I
Back in the days before drastic, fantastic, plastic pistols ruled the day, companies like Sturm, Ruger and Smith & Wesson were locked in a battle to decide who would be crowned the King of the double action revolver market. The distinction was important, as the double action revolver represented the largest segment of the commercial and law enforcement handgun markets. Continue reading “The Great Revolver Frame War – Part I”
Prepared, RevolverGuy Style
I’m sitting on the couch, typing with my MacBook on its lowest possible screen brightness. It isn’t plugged in, and I’m not on Wi-Fi, because my power is out. This is probably causing some slight inconvenience and no small amount of anxiety for many of my neighbors, and meanwhile, I’m writing away happily. It’s the dead of winter, right at the tail-end of a brutal cold snap, and it’s around 9:30 PM. This really isn’t a huge deal for me. I’m prepared, RevolverGuy style. Continue reading “Prepared, RevolverGuy Style”
2018 Project Gun: Smith & Wesson Model 60-15
It’s funny how things work. This article was planned to be the very first one ran on Several things happened (mostly at my own doing) that changed this course. My friend Aaron (at the ITRH Urban Survival Podcast) wanted to to run my revolver interview much earlier than I had anticipated. Wanting to space out reviews of revolvers (because I don’t have many), I pushed this one to the back burner. Then I got in touch with Mike Wood to write a review of his book. I got some new ideas and the next thing I knew, was charting its own course. But a year later I’m finally getting around to writing the article I started in October of 2016. This is an article about MY first revolver, the Smith & Wesson Model 60-15. Continue reading “2018 Project Gun: Smith & Wesson Model 60-15”
Retiring an Old Friend: The Emerson CQC-7
I retired an old friend to the safe today: my everyday carry knife for the last 13 1/2 years. My constant companion for almost a decade and a half, the only walkabouts she’ll accompany me on now are those into the past. We have shared both the happiest and most exhilarating of times, as well as some damned bitter ones. Purchased in 2004, the knife I’ve carried for almost a decade and a half is the Emerson CQC-7. Continue reading “Retiring an Old Friend: The Emerson CQC-7”
Fighting Leather: The Clamshell Holster
Any RevolverGuy who grew up like I did, watching a steady diet of the 1970s police drama Adam-12, will certainly remember those Blue Knights, Malloy and Reed, each drawing a Combat Masterpiece revolver from a clamshell holster that sprung open like magic every time our heroes needed to draw down on some counterculture scumbag. The image of those great sixguns being drawn from the trick holsters was pure TV magic! Continue reading “Fighting Leather: The Clamshell Holster”
Black Rifle Coffee Company “AK47”
I am both a coffee drinker and SOF veteran, so my interest is always piqued when I run across a company that has an interest in both. I recently reached out to Black Rifle Coffee Company, asking if I could do a review of their coffee. They got back in touch with me in short order and said it would be no problem. I know most of you probably aren’t interested in reading about me doing sometime I do four times a day (drink coffee) but I tried to have a little fun with this one, so check it out! Continue reading “Black Rifle Coffee Company “AK47””
RevolverGuy Privacy Policy
I recently published the RevolverGuy Privacy Policy. I don’t want this to get lost or overlooked, so I’m also publishing this as a post here. This isn’t boring legalese, so please take five minutes to read through it. If you like what you read, reach out to some more of your favorite sites and ask them if they’re taking care of you, too. Continue reading “RevolverGuy Privacy Policy”
The Perfect J-Frame: Two Years In Review
As the the sun sets on 2017, I wanted to talk about my experience with the perfect J-Frame Revolver: the S&W 640 Pro Series. I’ve carried this gun day-in/day-out for almost two and a half years now. It has been a special gun in that it has taught me an awful lot about the revolver. I’m going to talk about the accessories and solutions I’ve found to make this the most viable self-defense option possible, and my thoughts on going forward into the 2018. This will also be a bit of a reminisce over some of the changes I’ve made over the last year, and some things you can expect in the coming year. Continue reading “The Perfect J-Frame: Two Years In Review”
The Making of a RevolverGuy: My First Revolver
My first gun, not surprisingly, was a .22 rifle. That seems to be where most of us start out, because it’s a lot easier to teach a youngster how to shoot a rifle than it is a handgun. I always had a lot of fun with that rifle, but the time came when I wanted to shoot a handgun, instead. I didn’t know it quite yet, but I was ready to take my first steps as a RevolverGuy. Continue reading “The Making of a RevolverGuy: My First Revolver”