RG Reference: Hammers and Triggers

Back when the revolver was King, wheelgun shooters and manufacturers paid attention to details that are sometimes overlooked today. A great example of this, is the host of trigger and hammer options that were available back when sixguns still filled most of the duty holsters and won most of the matches.

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The Guns of Copperhead Road

One of the things about being a gun . . . enthusiast, shall we say . . . is that your mind easily drifts into thoughts about guns when you have a little idle time on your hands.  And when you’re really a nut . . . um . . . enthusiast, well you pretty much think about guns all the time.

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A Not-So-Serious Look at Reloading The Wheelgun

In the beginning, there was the percussion revolver, and it was good. But reloading those things took half a day, a picnic table, a pouch full of tools, and way too much patience, so we made sure to keep a good saber, knife, or hatchet nearby too. These also came in handy when we returned home to an angry wife, who was tired of cleaning the grease and blackpowder soot from our shirt and pants after a busy day on the battlefield. Continue reading “A Not-So-Serious Look at Reloading The Wheelgun”

Gun(s) That Got Away Part II: Mike

If you’re a RevolverGuy, you’ve got one. A story, that is, about “the one that got away.”   Actually, if you’re like me, you probably have several, but there’s one that just nags at you more than the rest, and which probably says more about you and your tastes than all the others. As I sit here thinking about it, there’s a handful of lost ballistic opportunities that still sting.  Some of them were mine for the asking, others were just long shots, but all of them make me wonder, “what if?”

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A RevolverGuy’s Guide To Gun Belts

RevolverGuys are usually pretty savvy, and do a good job of selecting their equipment, but there’s one gear issue that tends to raise its head with frequency amongst handgunners, and it seems that RevolverGuys are not immune to it. That issue is selecting an appropriate belt for carrying a handgun.

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Galco Phoenix Belt Holster and SB5 Gun Belt

There’s a whole lot of talented folks out there making gun leather these days, and a RevolverGuy could get dizzy trying to keep up with them. A lot of these are “mom and pop” shops manned by a single craftsman, or a small team of them. They make fine, beautiful, custom products to order, but this personal touch often comes at the cost of increased price and wait times. Continue reading “Galco Phoenix Belt Holster and SB5 Gun Belt”

The Great Revolver Frame War – Part I

Back in the days before drastic, fantastic, plastic pistols ruled the day, companies like Sturm, Ruger and Smith & Wesson were locked in a battle to decide who would be crowned the King of the double action revolver market. The distinction was important, as the double action revolver represented the largest segment of the commercial and law enforcement handgun markets. Continue reading “The Great Revolver Frame War – Part I”

Fighting Leather: The Clamshell Holster

Any RevolverGuy who grew up like I did, watching a steady diet of the 1970s police drama Adam-12, will certainly remember those Blue Knights, Malloy and Reed, each drawing a Combat Masterpiece revolver from a clamshell holster that sprung open like magic every time our heroes needed to draw down on some counterculture scumbag. The image of those great  sixguns being drawn from the trick holsters was pure TV magic! Continue reading “Fighting Leather: The Clamshell Holster”

The Making of a RevolverGuy: My First Revolver

My first gun, not surprisingly, was a .22 rifle.  That seems to be where most of us start out, because it’s a lot easier to teach a youngster how to shoot a rifle than it is a handgun.  I always had a lot of fun with that rifle, but the time came when I wanted to shoot a handgun, instead.  I didn’t know it quite yet, but I was ready to take my first steps as a RevolverGuy. Continue reading “The Making of a RevolverGuy: My First Revolver”