I was enamored with the Taylor’s & Company 1875 Outlaw single action revolver from the moment I first handled it. Continue reading “The Taylor’s & Company 1875 Outlaw 9mm Revolver”
Category: Revolvers
The Kimber K6xs: A Standout Snubby
I stumbled upon a 2022 Kimber print catalog in a gun store in August of 2021- the K6xs was on the cover. Continue reading “The Kimber K6xs: A Standout Snubby”
The Taurus 856 Executive Grade
I haven’t had much direct experience with Taurus revolvers over the years. I’ve shot a handful of them in .22 LR, .38 Special, .357 Magnum, and .44 Magnum, but outside of the .22, I’ve never fired more than a few cylinders through each. However, I’ve grown increasingly interested in the brand and their products over the past several years, so when the opportunity came around to test the premium version of their popular Model 856 revolver, the 856 Executive Grade, I was eager to do it. Continue reading “The Taurus 856 Executive Grade”
The Ruger Super Wrangler
If you’ve been around RevolverGuy since the early days, you may recall this particular RevolverGuy got his start with a Ruger Single-Six. That wonderful little sixgun was the tool I used to learn the fundamentals of shooting handguns, and it will always occupy a special place in my heart, and in my collection of revolvers.
That collection recently expanded by one with the addition of the Single-Six’s new little brother, the Ruger Super Wrangler. Continue reading “The Ruger Super Wrangler”
Some Thoughts on the .41 Remington Magnum
The .41 Remington Magnum has been with us for nearly 60 years now. When it was introduced, several people in the industry felt they deserved credit for the idea of the new cartridge. It’s generally accepted that Elmer Keith was the driving force in making the concept a reality. Continue reading “Some Thoughts on the .41 Remington Magnum”
First Shots: Taylor’s & Co. TC9 Revolver
Let’s talk about a fun new gun from Taylor’s & Co.—the 9mm TC9. Continue reading “First Shots: Taylor’s & Co. TC9 Revolver”
Range Report: The RIA AL22M .22 Magnum Revolver
It has been quite some time since I’ve spent appreciable time with a revolver. That recently changed when Mike asked me to review a couple guns from Rock Island Armory. I planned to review the RIA AL22M in .22 WMR first, followed by the .357 Magnum RIA AL3.1, but it didn’t quite work out that way. I’m sorry to report this is one gun I would strongly recommend against buying; Read on to find out why. Continue reading “Range Report: The RIA AL22M .22 Magnum Revolver”
Field Report: Taurus 856 T.O.R.O.
Taurus announced that it was releasing optics ready revolvers days before the 2023 SHOT Show. They had put an optic platform on two small frame revolvers; the 605 (a five shot .357 magnum) and the 856 six shot .38 Special. Continue reading “Field Report: Taurus 856 T.O.R.O.”
A Pretty Capable J-Frame
I bought a lightly used S&W 640-3 about four years ago. A friend’s elderly neighbor was thinning his collection and didn’t want his guns getting into the wrong hands. It was priced fairly, and I rationalized the purchase as an altruistic deed to help the man out. Continue reading “A Pretty Capable J-Frame”
The Colt Officers Model Match .22
Every RevolverGuy needs a .22 caliber revolver. Continue reading “The Colt Officers Model Match .22 “