Another SHOT Show is in the books, and it was a good one for RevolverGuys! Continue reading “2025 SHOT Show Roundup”
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2024 SHOT Show Roundup
SHOT Show 2024 was a great success, with an estimated 55,400+ industry professionals and 2,600+ companies participating in the festivities. Yours truly was there, putting in the work so we could provide you with a look at the latest and greatest in the revolver world. Continue reading “2024 SHOT Show Roundup”
Recent Developments at D&L Sports
Not too long ago, Mike covered Dave Lauck’s excellent replacement fixed sights for revolvers. Normally, we wouldn’t circle back so quickly to the same business with our coverage, but Dave has been so busy churning out new products for revolvers that we had to put another update together for you. Continue reading “Recent Developments at D&L Sports”
A 2022 RevolverGuy Christmas Wish List
It’s that time of year again, when thoughts turn towards St. Nicholas and his sleigh full of presents for good boys and girls of all ages. We didn’t keep close track of who was naughty and who was nice this year, so you’re all on the honor system again, OK? I know you’ve all been pretty good . . .
We’re Back!
Hey there, RevolverGuys and Gals! We had a little technical problem with the site for a few weeks, and missed a biweekly posting, but we’re back up and running, now. It was frustrating to be out of touch with our wonderful readers, so we’re glad to be back!
We’ll get back to our normal schedule tomorrow, and you’ll see the missed material make an appearance later on, so don’t worry—you haven’t missed a thing.
Thanks for your patience, and please be sure to thank Justin for all his hard work getting us back online. We’ll see you tomorrow morning!
Colt 1917 .45 ACP Revolver – Fitz’ed!
Back in March of 2018, I wrote about my custom Fitz’ed Colt Official Police .38 Special here in these pages. Fellow RevolverGuys can tell from my story that I have more than just a passing interest in revolvers that have received the Fitz treatment. Continue reading “Colt 1917 .45 ACP Revolver – Fitz’ed!”
Hogue Bantam Grip Fix
A few weeks back, I detailed some fixes and modifications I’d been working on for my set of Kimber K6S revolvers. One of these was the addition of a set of Hogue rubber Bantam grips for my three-inch stainless model. Continue reading “Hogue Bantam Grip Fix”
The .327 Federal Magnum Ruger LCR
Ruger’s LCR is proven and deserves its place as one of the top choices in a snubby revolver. It has been well documented here at RevolverGuy, and comments on Mike’s articles confirm a large and loyal following. Continue reading “The .327 Federal Magnum Ruger LCR”
Dud Lessons
I encountered this dud round in the middle of a shooting competition at the range recently. Even though it’s from one of those bottom feeders—Eek!—it provides a good opportunity to make a few observations that are universal in nature, and not related to any particular weapon type.
K6s Firing Pin Update
We previously reported about firing pin failures in the excellent Kimber K6s revolver. This situation was troubling, because it represented a safety risk for the defensive user, and also risked hurting the reputation of this strong design.
We’ve continued to remain engaged with Kimber on this issue, and we’re exceptionally happy to report that the problem has been resolved. Continue reading “K6s Firing Pin Update”