Colt introduced a new revolver back in 1977 and called it the Viper. It was released with the intent of maximizing the D frame platform. It was a .38 Special, built with a four-inch barrel to coax the most velocity from that chambering. Continue reading “Colt’s New Viper”
Tag: .357 Magnum
Colt’s New Blue Python
The Colt Python has a special kind of gravitas that resonates with many people. It’s revered for its capabilities as a competition gun and a defensive weapon, for hunting, and for sheer enjoyment as a recreational shooter. My generation of peace officers almost universally regarded it as the “Cadillac” of duty revolvers. Continue reading “Colt’s New Blue Python”
Range Report: The RIA AL3.1 .357 Magnum
I recently had the opportunity to test two (relatively) new guns from Rock Island Armory. One was the AL22M in .22 WMR. The other, and the subject of this review, is the RIA AL3.1 .357 Magnum revolver. Continue reading “Range Report: The RIA AL3.1 .357 Magnum”
Thoughts On The Compact Service Revolver
I recently spent some time carrying a bigger revolver than I normally carry, and the experience reminded me how small details can make a big difference—often out of proportion to their size. Continue reading “Thoughts On The Compact Service Revolver”
Guns in Brazil
America is a patchwork quilt of gun laws and public attitudes towards guns. Even though we’re all Americans, the gun culture can look very different from state to state, and region to region.
The Case For The Modern Defensive Revolver
In today’s world, the idea of anyone recommending or advocating the carriage of a revolver as a primary defensive handgun is usually met with scorn and ridicule by self-appointed firearms “experts.” Continue reading “The Case For The Modern Defensive Revolver”
The Smith & Wesson L-Frame Story
With a company history that dates back to 1852, Smith & Wesson has seen a lot of milestones and has delivered a host of classic designs to the shooting public. Some of those favorites have come and gone from the Smith & Wesson catalog over the years, but the ever-popular L-Frame family of revolvers remains, and continues to sell strong for the team from Springfield, Massachusetts. Continue reading “The Smith & Wesson L-Frame Story”
Field Report: The 2020 Colt Python
If ever there were a revolver that could be considered “mythical” it would be the Colt Python. The Python has been the “Grail gun” for some, the warmest of memories for others, or some combination of both for many a revolver enthusiast. I must admit the reputation of the Python makes the new, 2020 Colt Python an intimidating gun to write about, especially for a guy with no experience with the original. But I’ll try anyway. Continue reading “Field Report: The 2020 Colt Python”
Photo Essay: Lawmen, Actors, and Gunleather
When gunleather designer and maker–and ace “Holstorian”–Red Nichols shared these images with RevolverGuy for our review of his magnificent book, we couldn’t use all of them in our story. They were too neat to scrap though, so we thought you’d enjoy seeing them in a standalone feature. Continue reading “Photo Essay: Lawmen, Actors, and Gunleather”
Diamond D Custom Leather Butt Cuff & Sling
Long before I began my reviews (Part I, Part II) of the Henry .357 Magnum Carbine, a frequent reader here sent me a photo of his Wiley Clapp GP100 and levergun combo. I was as intrigued by his choice of accessories as I was the guns; the rifle had a beautiful leather butt-cuff with eight loaded cartridge loops. That led me to Diamond D Custom Leather of Wasilla, AK. Continue reading “Diamond D Custom Leather Butt Cuff & Sling”