In a previous installments of the “Fighting Leather” series, we looked at some landmark police duty holster designs, such as the Jordan Border Patrol style, the clamshell, and the various front break designs from makers like Berns-Martin, Hoyt, Bianchi, Safety Speed, Rogers and Safariland. Today, let’s look at another popular option for 20th Century police–the cross draw. Continue reading “Fighting Leather: The Cross Draw”
Tag: Holsters
Photo Essay: Lawmen, Actors, and Gunleather
When gunleather designer and maker–and ace “Holstorian”–Red Nichols shared these images with RevolverGuy for our review of his magnificent book, we couldn’t use all of them in our story. They were too neat to scrap though, so we thought you’d enjoy seeing them in a standalone feature. Continue reading “Photo Essay: Lawmen, Actors, and Gunleather”
Book Review: Red Nichols and John Witty’s Holstory
This is a book review that is long overdue at RevolverGuy. Continue reading “Book Review: Red Nichols and John Witty’s Holstory”
Andrews Custom Leather MacDaniel II Holster
We get a lot of holsters to review here at RevolverGuy, and not all of them show up in a post when it’s all said and done. Sometimes the product is no different than one that we’ve already reviewed, and it’s not worth the bandwidth to feature it. Other times, the product needs to go back to the drawing board before it’s ready for prime time.
Once in a while though, there’s a holster which really stands out from the others, and this is one of those times. Continue reading “Andrews Custom Leather MacDaniel II Holster”
Breaking In a Leather Holster
While I love the appearance and other qualities of a good leather holster, I must admit that the “kydex crowd” enjoys some significant advantages that the hide stretchers don’t. Continue reading “Breaking In a Leather Holster”
2020 SHOT Show Revolver Roundup
Your RevolverGuy team went back to Las Vegas for the 2020 SHOT Show last week, to scout out the latest in revolver goodness for you!
The Dale Fricke Archangel Holster
I guess there’s not enough real drama in the gun culture, so we have to manufacture our own for entertainment. Continue reading “The Dale Fricke Archangel Holster”
Galco Combat Master Scabbard
I have been carrying appendix for about three years now and you can put me down firmly in the “appendix guy” category. It’s OK if you’re not – I’m just letting you know where I stand. As much as I like it, though, carrying appendix isn’t always possible. Appendix can get quite uncomfortable if you have to hold a certain position for long periods of time, and some types of dress and activity don’t support the method. Continue reading “Galco Combat Master Scabbard”
The Aker Model 160A IWB Holster
I didn’t want to like this holster.
It wasn’t a question of workmanship or materials. It was obvious from the start that this holster was made of good stuff and had been assembled with care and attention to detail. This was not one of those holsters (and there are many out there) that missed its calling as a chew toy for a large dog. Continue reading “The Aker Model 160A IWB Holster”
SHOT Show 2019 Revolver Roundup
Your RevolverGuy team hit the floor of the SHOT Show again in 2019, looking for products and information that would interest our fellow wheelgun aficionados. Continue reading “SHOT Show 2019 Revolver Roundup”