A Defense of the Revolver

We’re all fans of the revolver here (the RevolverGuy title kinda gives it away), so we haven’t found it necessary to spend much time discussing why we like them. All of our regular readers already “get it,” and there’s no sense preaching to the choir.

However, a recent experience left me feeling like a defense of the revolver might be overdue. Continue reading “A Defense of the Revolver”

The Case For The Modern Defensive Revolver

In today’s world, the idea of anyone recommending or advocating the carriage of a revolver as a primary defensive handgun is usually met with scorn and ridicule by self-appointed firearms “experts.” Continue reading “The Case For The Modern Defensive Revolver”

A Critical Look at the New York Reload

I have been accused by some of you of ignoring the New York Reload. Honestly, this criticism is totally fair. I haven’t written about it and I don’t think about it very much. However, this is a technique that should be addressed. If you know me, you know I’ll address the good, the bad, and the ugly of everything, including the New York Reload, so let’s get started. Continue reading “A Critical Look at the New York Reload”

What is The Best Revolver Speedloader?

We have been reviewing – or at least examining – speedloaders here since RevolverGuy’s very beginning. I will admit that a lot of our speedloader reviews have been shaped by my personal preferences and bias. Today I’m going to attempt to add some objectivity to the question, “what is the best revolver speedloader?” Continue reading “What is The Best Revolver Speedloader?”

AAR: Greg Ellifritz’s Snubnose Revolvers

Last weekend I was at Greg Ellifritz’s “Snubnose Revolvers for CCW/Self-Defense” class in Clarksville, Ohio. I had been looking forward to this class for a long time, and my only disappointment was that Mike couldn’t join me. Today’s post will be an AAR of this class. Continue reading “AAR: Greg Ellifritz’s Snubnose Revolvers”