In the post-war heyday of the revolver, it was common for police and armed citizens to load a different kind of ammunition for practice than they did for duty or defense. In the police community, for example, many officers shot their training and qualifications with soft-recoiling, 148 grain, .38 Special wadcutters, and loaded more powerful .38 Special or .357 Magnum ammunition for duty, and a legion of armed citizens without badges did the same. Continue reading “Training With Light Loads”
Author: Mike
The Dale Fricke Archangel Holster
I guess there’s not enough real drama in the gun culture, so we have to manufacture our own for entertainment. Continue reading “The Dale Fricke Archangel Holster”
Sight Regulation and Point of Impact
We received a letter from a reader who was confused by the differences in point of impact for various gun and ammunition combinations. He had been doing some testing with his collection of fixed sight revolvers and was having a difficult time understanding why they were printing at different elevations, even when shooting the same ammo. Continue reading “Sight Regulation and Point of Impact”
Crimson Trace Lasergrips For Revolvers
In the run-up to the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, Southern California police agencies were busy getting ready for an invasion of tourists . . . and possibly, an invasion of well-armed terrorists. The cops in the Golden State were determined that the failures of the 1972 Munich Olympics would not be repeated on their turf, so they were eager to upgrade their counterterrorism capabilities. Continue reading “Crimson Trace Lasergrips For Revolvers”
PSA: Shooting .22 Long Rifle in .22 Magnum Cylinders
A recent article in a popular gun magazine repeated a common—but dangerous—misunderstanding, and reminded me that you can’t always believe what you read. Continue reading “PSA: Shooting .22 Long Rifle in .22 Magnum Cylinders”
Independence Day 2019
On 2 July 1776, the Continental Congress voted to approve a resolution which declared the colonies’ independence from Britain. Two days later, the final draft of the Declaration of Independence had been approved, and America’s independence was formally announced. (1)
Is The Snubby “Enough Gun?”
A series of conversations and events has left me thinking a lot about snubby revolvers as primary carry guns, lately. If you subscribed to the “conventional wisdom” of the gun culture, the lowly snubby wouldn’t be enough for daily carry. Its low capacity, slow reloading characteristics, and perceived lack of power make it an unsuitable choice. Plus, everyone knows that snubbies are “phone booth guns,” and useless beyond arms length, eh? Continue reading “Is The Snubby “Enough Gun?””
Memorial Day 2019
Today, as the nation pauses for Memorial Day, the staff at RevolverGuy would like to recognize the men and women who gave “the last full measure of devotion” in the service of their country, and express our respect and gratitude.
How To Safely Decock A Revolver
Once in a while, a RevolverGuy finds himself with a cocked revolver that needs to be safely decocked. Continue reading “How To Safely Decock A Revolver”
Ruger 9mm LCR Field Report
I was late to the LCR party. As I mentioned in my previous article, the gun’s radical looks were a turnoff to my conservative tastes, and I didn’t get excited about it until I started getting some trigger time on them. Then, the performance caught my immediate attention, and I realized I’d been missing out on a helluva gun. Continue reading “Ruger 9mm LCR Field Report”