On 2 July 1776, the Continental Congress voted to approve a resolution which declared the colonies’ independence from Britain. Two days later, the final draft of the Declaration of Independence had been approved, and America’s independence was formally announced. (1)
Category: Miscellanea
In Memoriam: Tamatea Teai
Tamatea Teai – “T” to anyone who knew him – was literally a legend in his own time. If you were around 2nd Recon Battalion or Force Reconnaissance Company back in the early 2000s and you didn’t know T, you certainly knew of him. Continue reading “In Memoriam: Tamatea Teai”
Patreon Updates & RevolverGuy Needs Your Support!
Hey guys, I wanted to add a couple of updates regarding Patreon. I promise not to belabor this and I’ll try not to post about it too often, but RevolverGuy can’t continue at the same level without your support. Continue reading “Patreon Updates & RevolverGuy Needs Your Support!”
Coming Rise of the 1911? Part I: Safety
It seems that the traditional double-action/single-action semi-auto is enjoying a period of rediscovery by Gun Culture 2.0. Though the striker-fired semi-auto is still the king, some very knowledgeable firearms personalities are carrying Berettas, CZs, and even old all-metal S&Ws. Continue reading “Coming Rise of the 1911? Part I: Safety”
Support RevolverGuy Through Patreon
Guys, I hate to pass around the collection plate, but. . . We know you guys love reviews of new guns and revolver-related gear. Mike just worked his butt off at SHOT Show to shake hands and it paid off – as you know we are getting our hands on a bunch of new guns! Continue reading “Support RevolverGuy Through Patreon”
Field Report Testing Standard Operating Procedure
Good news, guys: it’s raining guns on us here at RevolverGuy! Thanks to Mike’s hard work at SHOT (and since) I’ve two revolvers sitting here awaiting review, and another on the way. We’ve come a long way since the first T&E gun I was lucky enough to receive. With all these new guns coming in, we have worked to develop a Revolver Testing Standard Operating Procedure (RT-SOP). Continue reading “Field Report Testing Standard Operating Procedure”
RevolverGuy on Gun Talk with Tom Gresham
Yesterday I joined Tom Gresham on my second Gun Talk Radio appearance. Even though the show notes say we talked about my 3,650 minutes of dry practice, we got so excited talking about revolvers we ran out of time before we got to it!
I also appeared on Gun Talk way back in September, 2017.
Liked it? Support RevolverGuy on Patreon!
Competition 101: IDPA with Revolvers
When I show up for an International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) match, and a fellow attendee asks “What division you shooting in?” and my reply is “BUG [Back Up Gun] Revolver,” I can almost be 100% sure their facial expression will be one of surprise or even mild amusement, and the accompanying verbal response will be a rather incredulous “No, seriously?” Continue reading “Competition 101: IDPA with Revolvers”
A Thought Experiment: The .25 ACP
Today I’d like to propose a thought experiment. The lowly and loathed .25 ACP is the subject of this experiment. The thoughts I am going to propose have been kicking around in my head for a while. They were brought to the surface recently by Chris Baker’s “Mouse Gun” series. Continue reading “A Thought Experiment: The .25 ACP”
Request for Feedback: RevolverGuy Podcast
Today I’m coming to you, the RevolverGuy audience, asking for feedback so PLEASE weigh in the comments below! Continue reading “Request for Feedback: RevolverGuy Podcast”