Justin has previously written about the challenges faced by RevolverGuys who actually want to carry revolvers as defensive arms, and one of the more frustrating aspects of doing this is finding a good way to carry a round-body speedloader. Continue reading “Don Hume Pack Six Speedloader Case”
Author: Mike
Breaking In a Leather Holster
While I love the appearance and other qualities of a good leather holster, I must admit that the “kydex crowd” enjoys some significant advantages that the hide stretchers don’t. Continue reading “Breaking In a Leather Holster”
2020 SHOT Show Revolver Roundup
Your RevolverGuy team went back to Las Vegas for the 2020 SHOT Show last week, to scout out the latest in revolver goodness for you!
The History and Future of the Smith & Wesson Internal Lock
There was no avoiding it. Eventually, we were going to have to discuss the darned lock.
Continue reading “The History and Future of the Smith & Wesson Internal Lock”
2020 Maintenance Reminder
I carry every day and my guns get filthy. It’s amazing how much lint and gunk can build up on them, and It’s a non-stop job to keep them clean and lubricated. As a result, I’ve gotten into the habit of cleaning and inspecting them monthly (and sometimes more frequently, if conditions require).
In Memoriam: Dick Baker, Firearms Designer
The gun world lost a good man in December. Continue reading “In Memoriam: Dick Baker, Firearms Designer”
Speedloader Tips and Techniques
The basic operation of a double action revolver is pretty simple and straightforward, but there’s still a lot of room for operator technique. This is certainly true when it comes to reloading the revolver in an emergency. Continue reading “Speedloader Tips and Techniques”
Veterans Day 2019
At 11:00 a.m. Paris time, on the 11th of November, 1918, the Armistice of Compiegne went into effect, ending the fighting between the Allied powers and Germany. The terrible and wasteful “War to End All Wars” had come to a close, and the world rejoiced. Continue reading “Veterans Day 2019”
Happy Halloween 2019
RevolverGuy Steve Tracy sure knows how to get into the spirit! Is that an awesome Jack O’ Lantern or what? Nice job, buddy!
I tried carving a Smith & Wesson pumpkin, but had a hard time installing the key lock on the lid. Ha!
Keep a close watch for ghosts, werewolves, vampires, and other beasties out there. Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to load up your trusty revolver with Silvertips on the big night? Just sayin . . . ; ^ )
We hope all of you will have a fun and safe Halloween!
Wadcutters For Self Defense
I admit it, I’m a bullet nerd. I’ve always been fascinated by ballistics, and particularly terminal ballistics. I enjoy learning about how bullets do their work, and studying the minutiae of expansion, penetration, retained weight, permanent and temporary cavities, testing protocols, and all the numerical measures of bullet performance. Continue reading “Wadcutters For Self Defense”