Happy Halloween 2019

RevolverGuy Steve Tracy sure knows how to get into the spirit! Is that an awesome Jack O’ Lantern or what? Nice job, buddy!

I tried carving a Smith & Wesson pumpkin, but had a hard time installing the key lock on the lid. Ha!

Keep a close watch for ghosts, werewolves, vampires, and other beasties out there. Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to load up your trusty revolver with Silvertips on the big night? Just sayin . . .   ; ^ )

We hope all of you will have a fun and safe Halloween!



Wadcutters For Self Defense

I admit it, I’m a bullet nerd. I’ve always been fascinated by ballistics, and particularly terminal ballistics. I enjoy learning about how bullets do their work, and studying the minutiae of expansion, penetration, retained weight, permanent and temporary cavities, testing protocols, and all the numerical measures of bullet performance. Continue reading “Wadcutters For Self Defense”