The NeoMag RASC Speed Strip Carrier

Though things move a little slower here in revolver land than they do in the bottom feeder world, new products are constantly coming and going. Many of them are updates or retreads of existing designs. Occasionally, though, something comes along for RevolverGuys that represents a brand new idea. The NeoMag RASC is one such product. Continue reading “The NeoMag RASC Speed Strip Carrier”

Tactical First Aid & System Collapse Medicine with Greg Ellifritz

My girlfriend and I recently had the opportunity to attend Greg Ellifritz’s Tactical First Aid & System Collapse Medicine. As far as I’m concerned this class or one like it is must-have training, whether you’re a RevolverGuy or not. This is an after-action review of the class. Continue reading “Tactical First Aid & System Collapse Medicine with Greg Ellifritz”

The Janz Revolver: The Best Gun You’ve Never Heard Of

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines serendipity as “the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for.”  Serendipity occurs when you unexpectedly bump into a long-lost friend, or find a $20 bill under the sofa cushion when you’re fishing for the nickel that just fell between the cracks.

Serendipity also occurs at the Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trades (SHOT) Show, when you blindly stumble into a quiet, non-descript display booth, and discover the world’s most highly-engineered and precisely-manufactured wheelgun—The Janz Revolver. Continue reading “The Janz Revolver: The Best Gun You’ve Never Heard Of”

RevolverGuy on Gun Talk with Tom Gresham

Yesterday I joined Tom Gresham on my second Gun Talk Radio appearance. Even though the show notes say we talked about my 3,650 minutes of dry practice, we got so excited talking about revolvers we ran out of time before we got to it!

I also appeared on Gun Talk way back in September, 2017.

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Competition 101: IDPA with Revolvers

When I show up for an International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) match, and a fellow attendee asks “What division you shooting in?” and my reply is “BUG [Back Up Gun] Revolver,” I can almost be 100% sure their facial expression will be one of surprise or even mild amusement, and the accompanying verbal response will be a rather incredulous “No, seriously?” Continue reading “Competition 101: IDPA with Revolvers”

A Thought Experiment: The .25 ACP

Today I’d like to propose a thought experiment. The lowly and loathed .25 ACP is the subject of this experiment. The thoughts I am going to propose have been kicking around in my head for a while. They were brought to the surface recently by Chris Baker’s “Mouse Gun” series. Continue reading “A Thought Experiment: The .25 ACP”

The Aker Model 160A IWB Holster

I didn’t want to like this holster.

It wasn’t a question of workmanship or materials. It was obvious from the start that this holster was made of good stuff and had been assembled with care and attention to detail. This was not one of those holsters (and there are many out there) that missed its calling as a chew toy for a large dog. Continue reading “The Aker Model 160A IWB Holster”

Dry Practice Report #3: February 1 – 15

My first post of this year briefly discussed my goal of doing 3,650 minutes of dry practice in 2019. I know these posts probably won’t interest most of you; they are mostly for my own accountability. Here are my results to this point in the year: Continue reading “Dry Practice Report #3: February 1 – 15”