Centimeter Revolver: Ruger 10mm GP100 Part I

Despite my recent daily-carry conversion, I love revolvers. I also think revolvers chambered for rimless pistol cartridges are downright neat. And, it just so happens, I am a long-time fan of the 10mm Auto. So it was no surprise that I almost jumped out of my seat when I opened an email from Mike containing a press release from Ruger. The Ruger 10mm GP100 Match Champion had just been released! Barely ninety seconds passed before I emailed my contact at Ruger…

Continue reading “Centimeter Revolver: Ruger 10mm GP100 Part I”

RG Reference: Hammers and Triggers

Back when the revolver was King, wheelgun shooters and manufacturers paid attention to details that are sometimes overlooked today. A great example of this, is the host of trigger and hammer options that were available back when sixguns still filled most of the duty holsters and won most of the matches.

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RG101: The Universal Revolver Reload

Revolvers require a lot of reloading. Through the course of a range session you’ll have to reload about three times as often as your Glock-toting counterparts. You could look at this as an inconvenience or a blessing in disguise. I am more inclined to the latter. Since you have to reload a lot, you’ve got a lot of chances to practice your reloading technique. Today I’m going to talk about my favorite reloading technique: the Universal Revolver Reload. Continue reading “RG101: The Universal Revolver Reload”

Things I’ll Miss About My Daily Carry Revolver

Choosing a concealed carry handgun is serious business. There are a host of factors to consider, including reliability, caliber, capacity, practical accuracy, and  the ever elusive “carryability”. There’s also a bunch more, but you get the idea. I don’t make such decisions lightly and I’ve recently made a pretty big one about my daily carry revolver. I’ve agonized about it, I’d driven Mike half mad endlessly reciting pro-and-con lists, and I spent hours at the range seeking some ballistic therapy… Continue reading “Things I’ll Miss About My Daily Carry Revolver”

The Guns of Copperhead Road

One of the things about being a gun . . . enthusiast, shall we say . . . is that your mind easily drifts into thoughts about guns when you have a little idle time on your hands.  And when you’re really a nut . . . um . . . enthusiast, well you pretty much think about guns all the time.

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Guns that Got Away: Steve

When I think of the guns that got away, I remember attending gun shows with my dad.  My father went through periods of gun collecting that focused on certain types of guns.  At one point he was into German made Walther PPK pistols.  A particular seller had a dozen PPK 7.65mm pistols on his table.  They were all nice.  One was priced much lower than the rest. It had an odd cloisonné medallion on its left grip panel.  When my dad inquired about it, the seller said, “Yeah, someone must have glued that on there.  I don’t know what it’s supposed to mean, but it ruins the value of the gun.  That’s why I have it priced so cheap. I think if I tried to get it off there, I’d ruin the grip.” 

Continue reading “Guns that Got Away: Steve”

IWB Speedloader Pouches

In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they’re not. In theory I should be able to carry a speedloader reload for my wheelgun and use it effectively. Over the last 28 or 30 months, I’ve spent a massive amount of time thinking about reloading the revolver. I’ve worked with just about every speedloader on the market (and some that aren’t), and I’ve spent a good amount of time working with reloading techniques. And I’ve used a bunch of speedloader pouches, including some that haven’t yet been reviewed here. Continue reading “IWB Speedloader Pouches”

A Not-So-Serious Look at Reloading The Wheelgun

In the beginning, there was the percussion revolver, and it was good. But reloading those things took half a day, a picnic table, a pouch full of tools, and way too much patience, so we made sure to keep a good saber, knife, or hatchet nearby too. These also came in handy when we returned home to an angry wife, who was tired of cleaning the grease and blackpowder soot from our shirt and pants after a busy day on the battlefield. Continue reading “A Not-So-Serious Look at Reloading The Wheelgun”

A Special Fitz: My Fitz Colt Official Police

My dad subscribed to many of the gun magazines back in the mid-1970s and I’d leaf through them, pausing to read a story when something special caught my eye: a Fitz Colt. One article in particular featured a photo of a stubby revolver with a short barrel, a short grip, a bobbed hammer, and a cut away trigger guard. That last feature was the most intriguing to me. Continue reading “A Special Fitz: My Fitz Colt Official Police”