I was recently inteviewed on the In the Rabbit Hole Urban Survival Podcast. The topic: Revolvers for Survival and EDC. Continue reading “ITRH Interview: Revolvers for Survival and EDC”
Smith and Wesson 640 Pro Series Review Part II
In Part I of my review of the S&W 640 Pro Series I covered its features. In Part II I am going to discuss the 640 Pro from a shooting and packing perspective. If you read Part I you already know I’ve carried this gun daily for over a year, so there’s not much suspense about what my conclusion is. Read on to find out why I like it. Continue reading “Smith and Wesson 640 Pro Series Review Part II”
VZ Grips Tactical Diamonds for J-Frames
Replacement stocks are on one of the most common modifications made to revolvers. Because it doesn’t store ammunition in the grip, stocks for the average revolver come in a broad array of sizes, shapes, and functions, including stocks with lasers, or that can be used as a holster substitute. For my daily-carry 640 Pro, I was just going for the sheer practicality of a grip that offered reasonable purchase without making the gun too large. Continue reading “VZ Grips Tactical Diamonds for J-Frames”
Smith & Wesson Model 640 Pro Series: Part I
My daily carry gun for the past year has been the Smith & Wesson 640 Pro Series. This J-Frame .357 Magnum offers many features not seen on other guns in its size-class. In Part I of this review I am going to discuss the gun itself, in detail. In the next part I am going to cover the piece’s range performance and actually carrying it – a task at which I have fairly considerable experience. Disclaimer: My apologies for the dirt, dust, and scratches on this piece. She has earned those marks honestly.
Continue reading “Smith & Wesson Model 640 Pro Series: Part I”
Is The Revolver Viable for Self Defense?
With modern autoloading handguns, the viability of the revolver as a defensive weapon may fairly be called into question. Any thoughtful individual considering arming him or herself with a revolver should reflect on this question. After having spent the last year using revolvers exclusively, I have reached some conclusions, and one of them is: there are a lot of reasons you probably shouldn’t rely on revolvers for defensive purposes. Continue reading “Is The Revolver Viable for Self Defense?”
Welcome to RevolverGuy.com
Welcome to RevolverGuy.com!
I got the inspiration for this blog when I decided to trim down my firearms battery and get back to basics. This was partially for financial reasons, partially for practicality’s sake, and partly because…well, I’ve always had a soft spot for wheel guns. So, I got rid of my slab-sided 1911s, soulless Glocks, and other self-cockers, but held on to the rotators. I started getting them out on the range, carrying them, and taking them to IDPA matches. And I noticed two things:
The first thing I noticed: people were interested in them! When I could pull off a decently fast reload, people suddenly wanted to shoot their revolvers, too. The second thing I noticed: there aren’t a whole lot of good revolvers-only blogs on the internet. Seeing a niche in the market, I decided to make my own.
What I’m not: I’m not in my 60’s or 70’s. Actually, I’m not even in my 40’s yet. I’m not an expert or world champion shooter. I’m not a guy that owns three dozen revolvers, and this isn’t a industry micro-blog. I’m just a dude with a limited budget like everyone else, so this won’t – unfortunately – be the gun-of-the-month club.
Who am I? At the end of the day, I’m just a guy that loves revolvers. But I’m a decent revolver shooter and the word “enthusiast” probably fits me pretty well. And ultimately, that’s what revolverguy.com is – a place to share my enthusiasm for revolvers and maybe a few other topics that I really enjoy. So sit back, stay tuned, and enjoy!