Weird Revolvers & Revolver Cartridges

I’m thinking about weirdos right now.  Not the people panicking during these unprecedented world times, but rather weirdo revolvers.  This doesn’t mean that I think weirdos are bad or good, inferior or well-made, it just means that they’re out of the norm as self-defense handguns.  They’re just weird. Continue reading “Weird Revolvers & Revolver Cartridges”

A Critical Look at the New York Reload

I have been accused by some of you of ignoring the New York Reload. Honestly, this criticism is totally fair. I haven’t written about it and I don’t think about it very much. However, this is a technique that should be addressed. If you know me, you know I’ll address the good, the bad, and the ugly of everything, including the New York Reload, so let’s get started. Continue reading “A Critical Look at the New York Reload”

RG PCC: Henry Big Boy Steel Carbine .357 Magnum

This review is a little out of the ordinary for us, and marks the first long-gun ever reviewed here at RevolverGuy. Though it ain’t a revolver, I can think of no better companion piece for a revolver than a like-chambered, lever-action rifle. Today we’re going to look at Henry’s Big Boy Steel Carbine in .357 Magnum. In my opinion this is one of the most interesting lever-actions out there. Continue reading “RG PCC: Henry Big Boy Steel Carbine .357 Magnum”

Range Report: S&W 648 .22 Mag K-Frame

It’s nice to occasionally be reminded that life can still pleasantly surprise you. When I went to my FFL to pick up a couple of T&E revolvers, I had no idea there were not one but two revolvers from S&W waiting for me. I was also surprised at how studiously my girlfriend observed the three stainless wheelguns on the counter, and how before I even began filling out the 4473 she asked, “can I shoot this one?” Finally, I’m most surprised at how much I just like the S&W 648-2, even though it doesn’t fill any “need” I have, real or imagined. Continue reading “Range Report: S&W 648 .22 Mag K-Frame”

The Best Revolvers For Women

I recently ran across a blog that listed some revolver recommendations for women. I scanned through the article and found most of the recommendations to be based on superficial factors like the color of the frame. Yep, – I kid you not –  pink.  The other key factors seemed to play right into the old size stereotype. According to this article, the J-Frame reigned supreme as the ideal revolver – or possibly even the ideal handgun – for women. Today I’m going to submit my thoughts on the best revolvers for women. Continue reading “The Best Revolvers For Women”

Field Report: S&W Model 610-3

The S&W 610 holds a special place in my heart. A version of the 610 was one of the revolvers I owned very early in my shooting life. Unfortunately it was one of those guns that lasted only briefly in my collection. To be honest I probably purchased it before its time; that is, before ammunition manufacturers were adequately supporting the 10mm Auto. Continue reading “Field Report: S&W Model 610-3”

Shootists 35th Anniversary Bisley Single Seven

Custom guns are truly special. When a true gunsmith enhances a factory firearm, the results deliver a better shooting – and oftentimes a more visually appealing – gun. Embellishments can be both handsome and functional. A masterpiece becomes an heirloom when we are lucky enough to acquire a custom firearm. Continue reading “Shootists 35th Anniversary Bisley Single Seven”

Field Report: 4″ Colt King Cobra Target

There are few firearms that have excited me like the new Colt King Cobra. Though it stretched the budget, I listened to Mike’s advice and purchased my T&E sample, and I’m so glad I did. This three-inch, “Goldilocks” .357 has become one of my favorite handguns period, and certainly my favorite carry revolver. Colt has expanded the King Cobra line with the 2″ King Cobra Carry, a 2″ DAO model and the subject of this review, the Colt King Cobra Target. Continue reading “Field Report: 4″ Colt King Cobra Target”