I carry every day and my guns get filthy. It’s amazing how much lint and gunk can build up on them, and It’s a non-stop job to keep them clean and lubricated. As a result, I’ve gotten into the habit of cleaning and inspecting them monthly (and sometimes more frequently, if conditions require).
Category: Uncategorized
In Memoriam: Dick Baker, Firearms Designer
The gun world lost a good man in December. Continue reading “In Memoriam: Dick Baker, Firearms Designer”
Speedloader Tips and Techniques
The basic operation of a double action revolver is pretty simple and straightforward, but there’s still a lot of room for operator technique. This is certainly true when it comes to reloading the revolver in an emergency. Continue reading “Speedloader Tips and Techniques”
On Bashing “EnterTRAINment” and the Tacticool
This is just a quick dispatch on something I’ve been considering lately. I will be succinct and to the point. I will make some of you angry, and others uncomfortable. That’s not my goal, but it’s probably a realistic outcome. Let’s talk about “entertrainment.” Rather, let’s talk about how we’ve come to view it. Continue reading “On Bashing “EnterTRAINment” and the Tacticool”
Veterans Day 2019
At 11:00 a.m. Paris time, on the 11th of November, 1918, the Armistice of Compiegne went into effect, ending the fighting between the Allied powers and Germany. The terrible and wasteful “War to End All Wars” had come to a close, and the world rejoiced. Continue reading “Veterans Day 2019”
Zeta-6 J-Strip and J-Clip Reloading Devices
Sometimes you know what you’re gonna say before you even begin an article. Other times you think you know what you’re going to say and get surprised. The latter is the case with this article – I had some preconceptions going in, but a little experience turned me completely around. Today we are going to look at two new reloading devices: the J-Strip and the J-Clip from a new company, Zeta-6. Continue reading “Zeta-6 J-Strip and J-Clip Reloading Devices”
Why RevolverGuy Needs Your Patreon Support
Hey guys, I’m trying to keep these to an absolute minimum, but we really do need your direct support via Patreon. I may have explained why in the past. I want to hit it again, because support is incredibly important to the sustainability of RevolverGuy. Today I’m going to demonstrate the respect I have for our audience. Instead of emotional appeals, I’m going to open the books and explain directly why your support matters. Continue reading “Why RevolverGuy Needs Your Patreon Support”
Wadcutters For Self Defense
I admit it, I’m a bullet nerd. I’ve always been fascinated by ballistics, and particularly terminal ballistics. I enjoy learning about how bullets do their work, and studying the minutiae of expansion, penetration, retained weight, permanent and temporary cavities, testing protocols, and all the numerical measures of bullet performance. Continue reading “Wadcutters For Self Defense”
The Dale Fricke Archangel Holster
I guess there’s not enough real drama in the gun culture, so we have to manufacture our own for entertainment. Continue reading “The Dale Fricke Archangel Holster”
Memorial Day 2019
Today, as the nation pauses for Memorial Day, the staff at RevolverGuy would like to recognize the men and women who gave “the last full measure of devotion” in the service of their country, and express our respect and gratitude.