A RevolverGuy’s Perspective on Pepper Spray

I recently purchased a can of pepper spray for my girlfriend. I decided to grab an extra can and carry it myself. I’ve known I should be carrying a non-lethal option for years. . . but I haven’t. Like most of the firearms industry I’ve overlooked this important facet of comprehensive self-defense. In the past couple of months I’ve really come to appreciate the benefits pepper spray brings to the table. Continue reading “A RevolverGuy’s Perspective on Pepper Spray”

Grant Cunningham on Revolver Trigger Reset

Grant dropped some awesome knowledge today on his podcast, the aptly titled, Grant Cunningham Podcast. Today’s episode is called “Revolver Knowledge: Resetting the Double Action Trigger.” If you are serious about mastering the double action revolver (or know someone who is) this is really solid information. Take six minutes and give it a listen, or read it on his blog.

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Guns of The Shootists Holiday

In 1985, notable sixgunner and gun scribe John Taffin joked with some shooting buddies about a week-long range trip where the participants would be limited to bringing a maximum of two firearms.  It started as a fanciful notion, but the idea was too good to dismiss, so Taffin and friends soon found themselves planning the first trip, which came to be known as the “Shootists Holiday.” Continue reading “Guns of The Shootists Holiday”

The Pachmayr Aluminum Competition Speedloader

It has been quite some time since I’ve written about a new speedloader. I thought I’d just about covered everything that’s out there on the market. Turns out there are a couple of new products popping up. Today I’m going to talk about the new Pachmayr Aluminum Competition Speedloader. Continue reading “The Pachmayr Aluminum Competition Speedloader”

Fighting Leather: The Breakfront, Part II

In Part I of this series, we discussed the birth of the breakfront holster with the Berns-Martin design, as well as the development of competing designs from popular police holster makers Hoyt and Safety Speed.

We now pick up the breakfront saga where we left off  . . .

Continue reading “Fighting Leather: The Breakfront, Part II”

Fighting Leather: The Breakfront, Part I

While some of the nation’s oldest uniformed police departments trace their roots back to the mid-1800s, it wasn’t until the early 20th Century that the majority of American police sidearms moved from tunic pockets to openly-carried duty holsters. The earliest rigs were generally substandard in materials and design, and it wasn’t long before the search for the perfect police duty holster occupied the minds of uniformed lawmen from coast to coast.

Continue reading “Fighting Leather: The Breakfront, Part I”

The Shootists Ruger Bisley

I sat down next to Peter Caroline at a big round table during breakfast in the SHOT Show media room several years ago. Peter has one of those super friendly demeanors that we often find in the gun world. We introduced ourselves and chatted as we ate. While we waited for the main show floor to open, we became aware of our shared interest in vintage firearms. Continue reading “The Shootists Ruger Bisley”

Why YOU Should Be Proficient with Double Action Revolvers

I frequently get the question, “why revolvers?” Using revolvers doesn’t make much sense to some, especially in today’s world of inexpensive, reliable, high-capacity semi-autos. However, I still contend that gun owners should be well rounded. This means that you – yeah, YOU! Over there with the HK V-whatever – should know how to operate a revolver proficiently. This post will probably mostly be preaching to the choir, but that’s OK – it might help you to answer the, “why revolvers?” question. My real hope is that you will direct the asker of that question here, so I can explain! Continue reading “Why YOU Should Be Proficient with Double Action Revolvers”

Why I Don’t Like Fiber-Optic Sights

I seem to be in a minority. A lot of shooters seem to really like fiber-optic sights, but I don’t. Not even a little, and this post will explore that a bit. The main reason I don’t like them: consistency. This really hit home with me during some shooting with the 10mm GP100. Continue reading “Why I Don’t Like Fiber-Optic Sights”

Lobo Gunleather Moon Clip Pouch

Since the 10mm GP100 came into my life I have been getting intimately acquainted with moon clips. One thing I’ve had trouble finding is a suitable field/defense carry option for loaded moon clips. If I’m going to bring the gun, I want to bring a reload or two. A reader here recommended I try the Lobo Gunleather moon clip pouch, so I ordered one. It arrived recently and I’ve had few range sessions to work with it. Continue reading “Lobo Gunleather Moon Clip Pouch”