If you’re a RevolverGuy, you’ve got one. A story, that is, about “the one that got away.” Actually, if you’re like me, you probably have several, but there’s one that just nags at you more than the rest, and which probably says more about you and your tastes than all the others. As I sit here thinking about it, there’s a handful of lost ballistic opportunities that still sting. Some of them were mine for the asking, others were just long shots, but all of them make me wonder, “what if?”
How To Remain Armed In A “Gun-Free” Zone
In this article, we will explore how to be constantly armed in a “gun-free” zone. This may mean an aircraft, airport terminal, museum, concert, sporting event, government building, etc. Anywhere and everywhere that has put measures in place to completely disarm us.
Get Schooled! Revolver Training Roundup
I am a firm believer in firearms training. Without training a firearm is little more than a talisman. Unfortunately, finding high-quality revolver training isn’t as easy as finding a course for running a bottom-feeder. Of course you could attend any old handgun class, but chances are good you’re going to have an instructor that doesn’t know much about revolvers and probably isn’t going to be able to help you much. In fact, us RevolverGuys have even been specifically exluded at certain training events*. There is good training out there, though, but you have to look pretty hard to find it. This article will tell you where to go to find some top-notch revolver training. Continue reading “Get Schooled! Revolver Training Roundup”
Bridging the Gap by Greg Ellifritz
The article below is copied and pasted from Active Response Training with the permission of its author, Greg Ellifritz. I read this when it originally came out, and I read it again last week when Greg reposted it. I am reposting it here not only because Greg speaks my mind, but because articles of this sort get way too little attention. To be honest this is why I shy away from political discussion generally – I’m sick of American turning on American and our collective inability to carry on a reasonable conversation about any domestic policy issue. Continue reading “Bridging the Gap by Greg Ellifritz”
A RevolverGuy’s Guide To Gun Belts
RevolverGuys are usually pretty savvy, and do a good job of selecting their equipment, but there’s one gear issue that tends to raise its head with frequency amongst handgunners, and it seems that RevolverGuys are not immune to it. That issue is selecting an appropriate belt for carrying a handgun.
The Zero Tolerance 0620
I thought that finding a replacement blade for my beloved Emerson CQC-7 would be difficult. Turns out, it might not be that hard after all. The very first candidate I picked up was pretty near perfect: the Zero Tolerance 0620. This knife has a heck of a lot going for it, but if you want one, I’m afraid I have some bad news… Continue reading “The Zero Tolerance 0620”
Galco Phoenix Belt Holster and SB5 Gun Belt
There’s a whole lot of talented folks out there making gun leather these days, and a RevolverGuy could get dizzy trying to keep up with them. A lot of these are “mom and pop” shops manned by a single craftsman, or a small team of them. They make fine, beautiful, custom products to order, but this personal touch often comes at the cost of increased price and wait times. Continue reading “Galco Phoenix Belt Holster and SB5 Gun Belt”
In Praise of the Home Defense Revolver
I have been a little down on the concealed carry revolver lately. There are a lot of compromises to be made when selecting a revolver for everyday carry and I won’t rehash them here. There is one role in which the revolver shines, however. The home defense revolver suffers from very few of the problems that plague the everyday carry revolver. This post will take a look at a few of these benefits. Continue reading “In Praise of the Home Defense Revolver”
The Guns That Got Away, Part I: Justin
We all have that story. The story about “that gun.” The one that got away. The one that we should have walked out the door with. The reasons we didn’t pick them up might vary a little but usually go something along the lines of, “at the time $300 was a lot of money…” Believe me, I’ve been there. Mike Wood and I were chatting the other day and decided to write up an article or two about “The Guns That Got Away!” Mike and Steve Tracy will talk about their “ones” in the coming weeks, but these are mine. Continue reading “The Guns That Got Away, Part I: Justin”
New for 2018: SHOT Show Revolvers
The 40th annual Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show was held at the Sands Expo Center inside the Venetian resort in Las Vegas this past January 2018. The massive event was attended by over 60,000 industry professionals and two of your RevolverGuy cohorts. Mike Wood certainly looked professional, especially at the Kimber shooting range stall as he took notes from Kimber’s engineers. This was my seventh SHOT Show, so at least I was able to keep the huge grin off my face…most of the time. Let’s make it at least 60,002 professionals. Continue reading “New for 2018: SHOT Show Revolvers”