There is considerable interest in revolvers that fire semi-automatic pistol cartridges these days. Take the new Ruger Match Champion 10mm as just one and then look back one hundred years ago to revolvers such as the S&W and Colt 1917 .45 ACP revolvers to prove the concept of ammunition consolidation. The old Smiths and Colts were made to chamber .45 ACP cartridges because the military couldn’t get 1911 pistols made fast enough. So it made more sense to get revolvers produced that could fire the military’s huge depots full of .45 handgun ammo. Continue reading “Charter Arms Pitbull 9mm Revolver”
Category: Revolvers
Guns of The Shootists Holiday
In 1985, notable sixgunner and gun scribe John Taffin joked with some shooting buddies about a week-long range trip where the participants would be limited to bringing a maximum of two firearms. It started as a fanciful notion, but the idea was too good to dismiss, so Taffin and friends soon found themselves planning the first trip, which came to be known as the “Shootists Holiday.” Continue reading “Guns of The Shootists Holiday”
The Shootists Ruger Bisley
I sat down next to Peter Caroline at a big round table during breakfast in the SHOT Show media room several years ago. Peter has one of those super friendly demeanors that we often find in the gun world. We introduced ourselves and chatted as we ate. While we waited for the main show floor to open, we became aware of our shared interest in vintage firearms. Continue reading “The Shootists Ruger Bisley”
Why YOU Should Be Proficient with Double Action Revolvers
I frequently get the question, “why revolvers?” Using revolvers doesn’t make much sense to some, especially in today’s world of inexpensive, reliable, high-capacity semi-autos. However, I still contend that gun owners should be well rounded. This means that you – yeah, YOU! Over there with the HK V-whatever – should know how to operate a revolver proficiently. This post will probably mostly be preaching to the choir, but that’s OK – it might help you to answer the, “why revolvers?” question. My real hope is that you will direct the asker of that question here, so I can explain! Continue reading “Why YOU Should Be Proficient with Double Action Revolvers”
The Kimber K6s DC: Notes From The Field
The Kimber K6s revolver was introduced at the 2016 SHOT Show, and while I got to handle it in the Kimber booth, I didn’t get to shoot it until the following year’s Media Day at the Range. That first cylinder full convinced me that I was holding a very special gun, and would need to spend more time with it in the future. Continue reading “The Kimber K6s DC: Notes From The Field”
Ruger 10mm GP100, Part II: Field Report
The 10mm Auto is one of those cartridges with the capacity to capture the imagination like few others. Daydreams of charging feral pigs, scarcely trod trails, and pine-perfumed air are nearly inescapable when handling a 10mm. I fell under this spell years ago, and managed to break free for awhile…until the 10mm GP100 came along. The Centimeter GP was a pleasant surprise; I had given up hope of owning a duty-sized wheelgun in BESTmm. Handling and shooting this versatile revolver stokes a handgunner’s imagination like few other revolvers and suffice to say, I am a fan. This field report will explain why. Continue reading “Ruger 10mm GP100, Part II: Field Report”
PSA: .40 S&W in the 10mm GP100 Revolver
Since its unexpected introduction, I’ve seen a lot of articles and video reviews of the Ruger GP100 in 10mm. I’m not going to mention any names, but many of these have casually mentioned that you can shoot .40 S&W in the 10mm GP100. A couple articles from well-respected outlets have even cited the caliber as “10mm/.40 S&W” in the specifications (Ruger’s own specifications make no such claim). Continue reading “PSA: .40 S&W in the 10mm GP100 Revolver”
The Biggest Little Roundgun: The 3-Inch Kimber K6s
It is no secret to regular readers that I have been dying to get my hands on the 3-inch Kimber K6s. Thanks once again to the hard work of Mike and Steve, I finally got my chance to test out this revolver. This field report will cover my general impressions, and shooting and carrying what I have dubbed the “biggest little roundgun!” Continue reading “The Biggest Little Roundgun: The 3-Inch Kimber K6s”
Revolver Competition Gear – Competition Handgun I
If you haven’t read my AAR of Mike Seeklander’s Competition Handgun I, go check it out. I decided to cover equipment separately so as not to distract from the review of the excellent course. This post will cover the revolver competition gear used during the course. Continue reading “Revolver Competition Gear – Competition Handgun I”
The Kimber K6s: From a Blank Sheet of Paper
I admit it. I’m a gun nut. It doesn’t matter if they revolve or cycle, or if they load from the front, the back, or the bottom. It doesn’t matter if they hold a single cartridge or half a box full. It doesn’t matter if they’re made of blue steel and wood, or Tenifered steel and plastic. If they go “bang,” I love them.
Continue reading “The Kimber K6s: From a Blank Sheet of Paper”