Coming To Grips With Grip Adapters

When the double action, swing-out cylinder revolver began to take shape in the late 1800s, it seemed like the designers had already used up all their energy by the time they got to the back end. The grip frames on these guns were universally small, and the grips (or “stocks,” in S&W parlance) almost looked like they were afterthoughts.

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How To Safely Unload a Double Action Revolver

One of the most celebrated qualities of the double action revolver is its simplicity. The mechanism is easy to understand and operate, and having everything “out there in the open” makes their operation pretty transparent, even for the greenest of newbies. Any instructor who has seen an unfamiliar student get confused by the collection of buttons and levers and switches on the side of a semiauto pistol can appreciate how the revolver’s minimalist nature simplifies teaching the manual of arms.

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RG101: The Universal Revolver Reload – Left-Handed Edition

When Justin first contacted me to get some information about left-handed reloading techniques for revolvers, I thought, “great; I have two approaches that I use, and I’ve never seen them laid out clearly.” The first of these, a generic Left-Handed Revolver Reload, was shared with you a while back. Because of some changes we had to make with that article, I pulled out my copy of Defensive Revolver Fundamentals by Grant Cunningham. I quickly discovered that I am not the visionary that I thought. Continue reading “RG101: The Universal Revolver Reload – Left-Handed Edition”

PSA: .40 S&W in the 10mm GP100 Revolver

Since its unexpected introduction, I’ve seen a lot of articles and video reviews of the Ruger GP100 in 10mm. I’m not going to mention any names, but many of these have casually mentioned that you can shoot .40 S&W in the 10mm GP100. A couple articles from well-respected outlets have even cited the caliber as “10mm/.40 S&W” in the specifications (Ruger’s own specifications make no such claim). Continue reading “PSA: .40 S&W in the 10mm GP100 Revolver”

The Biggest Little Roundgun: The 3-Inch Kimber K6s

It is no secret to regular readers that I have been dying to get my hands on the 3-inch Kimber K6s. Thanks once again to the hard work of Mike and Steve, I finally got my chance to test out this revolver. This field report will cover my general impressions, and shooting and carrying what I have dubbed the “biggest little roundgun!” Continue reading “The Biggest Little Roundgun: The 3-Inch Kimber K6s”

Personal Stoves: Ohuhu Camp Stove Review

It has been quite a while since I reviewed a personal camp stove. I recently went camping and pulled out a couple of stoves, so it feels  like a good time to get back into that. Today I’m going to review the stove I used in my Black Rifle Coffee review: the Ohuhu camp stoveContinue reading “Personal Stoves: Ohuhu Camp Stove Review”

RG305: The One-Handed Revolver Reload

Of all the skills that a serious student of defense needs to consider, an emergency reload using only a single hand is probably the least important. Since training time is always limited, it’s important to prioritize and spend our time on the things that give us the best return on investment. For most of us, that includes more “pedestrian” things like the basics of weapon presentation and marksmanship, and doesn’t include preparing for the remote possibility that we might need to conduct a one-handed revolver reload.

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Revolver Competition Gear – Competition Handgun I

If you haven’t read my AAR of Mike Seeklander’s Competition Handgun I, go check it out. I decided to cover equipment separately so as not to distract from the review of the excellent course. This post will cover the revolver competition gear used during the course. Continue reading “Revolver Competition Gear – Competition Handgun I”

AAR: Mike Seeklander’s Competition Handgun I

I recently had the opportunity to attend Mike Seeklander’s Competition Handgun I. This two-day course is designed to train the techniques taught in Mike’s book, Your Competition Handgun Training Program. The coolest part of this course was that the two-day training concluded with an optional third-day at a large IDPA match. Even if you have no interest in competition there is a lot to be gained from this course. Continue reading “AAR: Mike Seeklander’s Competition Handgun I”