Centimeter Revolver: Ruger 10mm GP100 Part I

Despite my recent daily-carry conversion, I love revolvers. I also think revolvers chambered for rimless pistol cartridges are downright neat. And, it just so happens, I am a long-time fan of the 10mm Auto. So it was no surprise that I almost jumped out of my seat when I opened an email from Mike containing a press release from Ruger. The Ruger 10mm GP100 Match Champion had just been released! Barely ninety seconds passed before I emailed my contact at Ruger…

Continue reading “Centimeter Revolver: Ruger 10mm GP100 Part I”

Things I’ll Miss About My Daily Carry Revolver

Choosing a concealed carry handgun is serious business. There are a host of factors to consider, including reliability, caliber, capacity, practical accuracy, and  the ever elusive “carryability”. There’s also a bunch more, but you get the idea. I don’t make such decisions lightly and I’ve recently made a pretty big one about my daily carry revolver. I’ve agonized about it, I’d driven Mike half mad endlessly reciting pro-and-con lists, and I spent hours at the range seeking some ballistic therapy… Continue reading “Things I’ll Miss About My Daily Carry Revolver”

In Praise of the Home Defense Revolver

I have been a little down on the concealed carry revolver lately. There are a lot of compromises to be made when selecting a revolver for everyday carry and I won’t rehash them here. There is one role in which the revolver shines, however. The home defense revolver suffers from very few of the problems that plague the everyday carry revolver. This post will take a look at a few of these benefits. Continue reading “In Praise of the Home Defense Revolver”

New for 2018: SHOT Show Revolvers

The 40th annual Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show was held at the Sands Expo Center inside the Venetian resort in Las Vegas this past January 2018. The massive event was attended by over 60,000 industry professionals and two of your RevolverGuy cohorts. Mike Wood certainly looked professional, especially at the Kimber shooting range stall as he took notes from Kimber’s engineers. This was my seventh SHOT Show, so at least I was able to keep the huge grin off my face…most of the time. Let’s make it at least 60,002 professionals. Continue reading “New for 2018: SHOT Show Revolvers”

The Great Revolver Frame War – Part I

Back in the days before drastic, fantastic, plastic pistols ruled the day, companies like Sturm, Ruger and Smith & Wesson were locked in a battle to decide who would be crowned the King of the double action revolver market. The distinction was important, as the double action revolver represented the largest segment of the commercial and law enforcement handgun markets. Continue reading “The Great Revolver Frame War – Part I”

2018 Project Gun: Smith & Wesson Model 60-15

It’s funny how things work. This article was planned to be the very first one ran on RevolverGuy.com. Several things happened (mostly at my own doing) that changed this course. My friend Aaron (at the ITRH Urban Survival Podcast) wanted to to run my revolver interview much earlier than I had anticipated. Wanting to space out reviews of revolvers (because I don’t have many), I pushed this one to the back burner. Then I got in touch with Mike Wood to write a review of his book. I got some new ideas and the next thing I knew, RevolverGuy.com was charting its own course. But a year later I’m finally getting around to writing the article I started in October of 2016. This is an article about MY first revolver, the Smith & Wesson Model 60-15. Continue reading “2018 Project Gun: Smith & Wesson Model 60-15”

The Perfect J-Frame: Two Years In Review

As the the sun sets on 2017, I wanted to talk about my experience with the perfect J-Frame Revolver: the S&W 640 Pro Series. I’ve carried this gun day-in/day-out for almost two and a half years now. It has been a special gun in that it has taught me an awful lot about the revolver. I’m going to talk about the accessories and solutions I’ve found to make this the most viable self-defense option possible, and my thoughts on going forward into the 2018. This will also be a bit of a reminisce over some of the changes I’ve made over the last year, and some things you can expect in the coming year. Continue reading “The Perfect J-Frame: Two Years In Review”

The Making of a RevolverGuy: My First Revolver

My first gun, not surprisingly, was a .22 rifle.  That seems to be where most of us start out, because it’s a lot easier to teach a youngster how to shoot a rifle than it is a handgun.  I always had a lot of fun with that rifle, but the time came when I wanted to shoot a handgun, instead.  I didn’t know it quite yet, but I was ready to take my first steps as a RevolverGuy. Continue reading “The Making of a RevolverGuy: My First Revolver”

A RevolverGuy Tribute to Skeeter Skelton

Skeeter Skelton once wrote that the only way to improve upon the Smith & Wesson Model 24 .44 Special would be to make it in stainless steel.  Soon after, S&W presented the Model 624, a .44 Special N-frame made from stainless instead of carbon steel.  I happened to have read Skeeter’s words a few days prior to walking into a local gun store that had a 624 in their used gun display.   It had the 4-inch barrel (6.5-inches was an option) and was wearing Pachmayr rubber grips.  The price was right with no box or papers and I became the new owner of my first .44 Special. Continue reading “A RevolverGuy Tribute to Skeeter Skelton”