Range Report: S&W 648 .22 Mag K-Frame

It’s nice to occasionally be reminded that life can still pleasantly surprise you. When I went to my FFL to pick up a couple of T&E revolvers, I had no idea there were not one but two revolvers from S&W waiting for me. I was also surprised at how studiously my girlfriend observed the three stainless wheelguns on the counter, and how before I even began filling out the 4473 she asked, “can I shoot this one?” Finally, I’m most surprised at how much I just like the S&W 648-2, even though it doesn’t fill any “need” I have, real or imagined. Continue reading “Range Report: S&W 648 .22 Mag K-Frame”

Lessons Learned From a Year of Dry Practice

Twenty-nineteen is complete, and so is my (first) year of dry practice! My “plan” to do 10 minutes of dry practice per day in 2019 was something I dreamed up – and then posted on the spot – on January 1st. I didn’t give it much serious thought, I just came up with it and did it. Continue reading “Lessons Learned From a Year of Dry Practice”

The Best Revolvers For Women

I recently ran across a blog that listed some revolver recommendations for women. I scanned through the article and found most of the recommendations to be based on superficial factors like the color of the frame. Yep, – I kid you not –  pink.  The other key factors seemed to play right into the old size stereotype. According to this article, the J-Frame reigned supreme as the ideal revolver – or possibly even the ideal handgun – for women. Today I’m going to submit my thoughts on the best revolvers for women. Continue reading “The Best Revolvers For Women”

Field Report: S&W Model 610-3

The S&W 610 holds a special place in my heart. A version of the 610 was one of the revolvers I owned very early in my shooting life. Unfortunately it was one of those guns that lasted only briefly in my collection. To be honest I probably purchased it before its time; that is, before ammunition manufacturers were adequately supporting the 10mm Auto. Continue reading “Field Report: S&W Model 610-3”

On Bashing “EnterTRAINment” and the Tacticool

This is just a quick dispatch on something I’ve been considering lately. I will be succinct and to the point. I will make some of you angry, and others uncomfortable. That’s not my goal, but it’s probably a realistic outcome. Let’s talk about “entertrainment.” Rather, let’s talk about how we’ve come to view it. Continue reading “On Bashing “EnterTRAINment” and the Tacticool”